142k + sumn else

6.9K 205 97

Hello, welcome to my thank you speech for reaching 142k reads, why such an odd number you may ask, thats because I forgot to do it at 100k. So I'm doing it now plus theres a litle sumn else I want to highlight (it may be abit of a sensitive issue, I'll put a warning when it begins)

My speech: *i dont do speeches, I have stage fright*

Okay moving on, this is just a little like 'behind the scenes' info on the book:

This is my debut book (I wrote it when i was like 14-15) I didn't want it to be too serious, it was just meant to be filled with my lame humour so I could laugh at it whenever I wanted.

But then I had exams and completely forgot about it until 2020. I had most of the drafts all there, I just never published them and was considering taking the book down but there was this one person who wrote on my messageboard. It was the first I'd ever received and it was a simple message, they just said they loved the story and asked to please continue but ya girl was ready to cry from joy.

So I continued publishing it, after editing the drafts a little more. (I still sumhow only notice like a dozen typos after publishing it)

The whole language barrier is actually inspired by people in my life. *this paragraph has been edited for personal reasons


*warning talks about online hate*

I just decided to put this here for any other aspiring authors.

Personal experience:
(skip the this if you want)

I thankfully didn't receive hate comments on the books itself, closest thing I ever got to one was someone saying the usage of korean is cringe. (Whoever you are, I appreciate your feedback)

Unfortunately, I have received hate messages. Not many though, just three or two. (*swoons and googles how to deal with fame*)

Tbh it's kinda funny that people get so mad at my 14yo selfs humour  (except for one persons messages he/she was acting really poopy, I'm over it tho I petted some tortoises to lift my spirits)

I feel like alot of that 'hate' did spur up from the fact that I used romanised korean words. These few individuals have dm'ed me leaving rather nasty messages and calling me a 'koreaboo'. One even formatting their message to use words like 'jinjja' , 'neomu'  and other romanised korean words in their message to ridicule me. (Joke is on them tho, yall ever tried living with a brother? my skin is thiccer than bokutos cakes due to it, they wasted their effort googling words).

Okay so what is a koreaboo, according to urban dictionary:

Someone who denounced their own race and calls themselves Korean, genuinely believes that they’re Korean or wishes they were Korean. They may also think that they will some day marry their favourite idol (see also delulu) or may use small parts of Korean in their sentences without caring about learning the language. They could think that all Asians/Koreans are beautiful gods who are above the human race 

Firstly, I would like to emphasize 'without caring or learning about the language'. I learnt the language, I took a basic course and picked up bits from my cousin. I did not just remember some words from kdramas and use them carelessly. Whenever I can I do ask my cousin if the sentences and words along with their romanisations are correct (still could have minor errors though, I cant ask everything or he gonna get sus and Im not a native speaker) I do this for both 'the apocalypse' and 'killer cruise'. I write the words in romanisations rather than the actual characters because not everyone can read the characters, atleast with the romanised words people may have a better idea as to what is being said.

The Apocalypse Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang