Chapter 12

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" " = talking
* * = actions
' ' = thoughts
slant = others thoughts
A/N = authors note
Regular = narrative

Hinata looks at the club room in amazement

"I don't see why you're just gawking at the place, it's nothing special"

Hinata:Y-Yeah but, I've never been in a club room before. The Little Giant used this room, too, didn't he?

Tanaka:Tomorrow's finally your debut match, Hinata. Even though it's a practice match, Seijoh's gym is huge. Their players are huge, too. Don't get intimidated.

"I'm pretty sure anyone he comes across is considered intimidating to him"

Hinata:H-Hey! I'm not that short!

"Sorry, you mind speaking a little louder, I can't hear you from all the way down there"

Tanaka and the 3 extras get a laugh out of it, unaware someone else was going into the club room


It was none other than Daichi and Suga


Hinata:Of course I won't be intimidated! I'll do great. You'll see!

"I'm sure we will"

Tanaka on the other hand was trying to hold on his laughter

Tanaka:Hinata, the thing you're trying to put on your legs is your jacket

Daichi:*whispers*Kageyama, is Hinata going to be all right tomorrow?

Kageyama:Will he be all right? What do you mean?

"From what I've heard the kid's only experience is that one match in junior high, he seems really anxious and worried about that"

Daichi:That's why I think he might be quite nervous

Kageyama:But everyone feels nervous-

Sugawara:There, see? You make light of the anxiety we cowards feel

Daichi:It seems like no matter what any of us tell him, it just seems to add more pressure

Kageyama:You can't help it at first

Hinata is seen walking out of the room with a gloomy aura surrounding him

Kageyama:I think it's best to leave him alone

"I'll go with him, make sure he doesn't piss himself thinking about the match"

Sugawara:(L/N)-san, it's not really nice to talk about someone behind their back

"When has that ever stopped me, I'll catch you extras later"

(Y/N) walks out of the room and walks up to Hinata

"What's got you all worked up?"

Hinata:Ah, (L/N)-san...well, I can't really mess this up tomorrow, this isn't gonna be like junior high, or like the four-on-four the other day, because I can easily be replaced

"Just calm down, you have the skill to be a starter, but you can't let your nerves take over, besides-"

(Y/N) looks over at Hinata with a cocky smile

"If you do get replaced, you'll have the honor of me having your place"

Hinata:I don't want that, I don't wanna be replaced, I'm finally gonna stand on the court with a full team, I wanna be out there 'til the end.

Hinata's stomach grumbles

Hinata:I can't goof up. I can't goof up

"Hey, chill out, it'll be alright, from what I've seen you have great potential, who knows, maybe you can be the next Little Giant"

Hinata looks up at (Y/N) with hope in his eyes

Hinata:Y-You really think so!?

"Only time will tell, I'll catch you later, I gotta help Kiyoko clean up the gym. One of the members got hit in the face with a ball and started bleeding, the least I could do was take him to the nurse's office since technically I was the one that hit him


"*gasps*What's that!?"

(Y/N) points at nothing in particular behind Hinata while Hinata turns around

Hinata:What's what?

When Hinata looks forward he sees that (Y/N) had already taken off in a sprint toward the gym




Hinata is seen laying in his bed with the lights off while he twists and turns before opening his eyes

Hinata:I can't sleep!


Hinata hears something hit his window before shrugging it off as a branch or something and goes back to panicking (A/N:If you can't tell, I like saying the word "before" a lot)


Hinata turns back to his window and opens it, revealing (Y/N)

Hinata:(L/N)-senpai, what're you doing here? And how did you climb up?

"Well, while I was getting scolded by Kiyoko telling me to be careful when I practice with other members of the club, I remembered you have the mind of a five-year old and you were probably freaking out about the game, so I followed you to your house. As to your next question, I have my ways"

Hinata stands in his room in silence before speaking up there anything you're gonna tell me to motivate me or something?

"....To be honest, I didn't think I'd make it this far"

(Y/N) and Hinata once again stand in silence before Hinata speaks up once more

Hinata:...So why were you throwing rocks at my window?

"I don't know, I always saw it in the movies and thought it'd be fun"

Hinata:Oh, ok....was it?

"Pfff you wouldn't believe the kick I got out of it"

They both stand in silence before Hinata's door opens, revealing a much younger looking Hinata

??:Nii-chan, you're too noisy!

"Woah, who's that? It's like a much younger you, and somehow shorter"

Hinata:Ah, that's my younger sister Natsu

Natsu:Nii-chan, who's this?*gasps*Is he your boyfriend!? I'm telling mom!

Natsu closes Hinata's door and runs away yelling for her mom, while (Y/N) and Hinata stand in the room, shocked and silent

"Hinata, you're a great friend and all, but I'm gonna tell you right now, I don't swing that way"

Hinata:W-What! No, no, I don't either. S-Sorry about that, sometimes my sister can get a little out of hand

"It's alright, I'll see you tomorrow, try not to freak out, you'll do great"

Hinata:Thanks (L/N)-san

"If you ever need help with something, don't hesitate to ask"

(Y/N) jumps off the house and a few bones crack in the process

"OW, FU-"

Hinata:(L/N)-SAN, ARE YOU OK!?

"I'm fine, I'll see ya tomorrow!"

Hinata sees (Y/N) trying his best to run while limping


(A/N:Guess what, I'm back bishes, there's not much I have to say so I'll leave it at what I always do, see ya later!

Karasuno's Golden Crow (Haikyuu x Male Reader)[REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now