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Chapter fifty-four; Quidditch pitch and boys

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Lily and Jasmine were sitting and supposedly sunbathing in the early spring sun high up on the Quidditch stands. Distant yells from down below could be heard as the Gryffindor Quidditch team was running around and practising without using their brooms. Jasmine found it funny when Lily proposed they go and spend their afternoon at the quidditch pitch but Jasmine had a pretty good idea of why Lily picked such a peculiar place.

The brunette was leaning back with closed eyes and face directed up at the sky. Lily on the other hand was leaning over the railing and watching the team with curiosity. When Jasmine opened her eyes she noticed Lily was wearing a dreamy smile as she looked down at the pitch. Jasmine cleared her throat jokingly and it startled Lily as she looked to her friend with widened eyes.

''Enjoying the view?'' Jasmine asked with a cheeky smile.

Lily rolled her eyes and chuckled at the same time. Then she leaned back from the railing and shook her head as well. Jasmine had all sorts of things going through her mind at the moment as she observed her redheaded best friend. She noticed quite a change in her behaviour as opposed to how she was back in September. It seemed that Lily loosened up a bit and Jasmine liked that a lot.

''You've never told me what exactly happened at your date with Potter the last time,'' Jasmine said straitening her posture.

She remembered Lily mentioning something back on Valentine's Day but they never really discussed the whole thing. Jasmine was especially intrigued as James and Lily seemed to be joking around about something. Lily let out a soft breath shaking her head again.

''Nothing.'' She said with a smile. Jasmine sent her a flat look before she scooted closer indicating she still wanted to hear. Lily chuckled but gave in, knowing she would tell it eventually.

''Okay, fine.'' She stopped a little gathering what she wanted to say in her head. ''We went to Tomes and Scrolls because I insisted I wanted to check if they had anything new. James didn't really mind it at first. But you know me, I can spend a lot of time in there.''

Jasmine outright laughed at Lily's antics as she very well what she was saying. Tomes and Scrolls was a book shop in Hogsmeade and there wasn't a trip when Lily didn't go there just to check, in her words, but she ended up buying something every time. Jasmine also hung on the way Lily called James, by his first name instead of the surname.

''So when I was scanning the books, James walked around probably bored out of his mind. When he came back to my side he actually looked at the books and he plucked out Pride and Prejudice but only looked at the back page and not the title. So after reading the summary, he said something like 'ugh who would want to read this book, it's not even real love'. I looked at him with a confused expression as he kept turning up his nose at the book. And then I bitterly said 'don't judge a book by the cover' and he immediately went 'I'm a guy, I have too much pride to read a sappy book'. That's when I pointed to the title which is literally pride and prejudice and exactly what he just said about the book. We just started laughing after that and from that moment on he just kept on telling really funny jokes for the rest of the date.'' Lily described with a clear smile.

Jasmine remembered when Lily mentioned they had an inside joke about that and it suddenly made a lot more sense. It was also cleared why Lily didn't glare at James all the time after they went out.

''So that was it? One date and now you're just coexisting?'' Jasmine asked with her eyebrows raised.

Lily looked at her weirdly before she shrugged. ''I mean I don't know, we are friends right?'' She said a bit unsurely.

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