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The carriage ride was pleasant enough, caught up in her bubble of happiness she even found herself sitting at the piano in the lounge and playing a piece, she couldn't remember when she last sat at this spot, but alas her mind was clear and happy as she placed her fingers on the keys softly. "You haven't played in a while my dear" Simon added as he walked into the room with a book in his grip.

"You like me playing don't you? I can stop if you would like quiet?" Diana asked quickly. She didn't want to let something like a long past disagreement to ruin her mood today.

"I do my dear, why don't I play something with you?" he asked placing his book to the side, nodding, Diana slid to the side allowing him to perch himself on the small bench. Diana watched his fingers and listened to the song he had started to play, before identifying it and playing the same in the lighter keys. She was focusing so hard it made him laugh to himself.

"Hey" Diana frowned with a small smile causing her to stop playing altogether "Your hands are much bigger than mine" she pointed out holding them up as if he didn't already know about her tiny hands. Diana watched as Simon placed his large hand on hers and frowned.

"I suppose you are right my dear" he added jokingly causing her to drop her hands with embarrassment. Simon was older and more mature than herself, that she often found herself left feeling childish when with him. Wrapping his arm around her waist he pulled her closer. Diana leaned her head on his shoulder.

"You like that song," she said stroking the keys absentmindedly.

"Or perhaps I only like it when you play it" he added watching her fingers on the white piano keys.

"What do you mean?" Diana asked finally lifting her head to look at him properly.

"I like watching you play Di, your nose always dose this little movement when you can't reach for a key and you look calm and happy" he explains she stilled at his comment. Did that mean that she did not normally look calm and happy? As if reading her mind, he coo's softly "Why don't we go for a walk? We can take Arabella out before dinner" he suggested. It sounded like a lovely idea and so Diana stood up and rang the bell to ask someone to prepare the child and buggy. The air was cold making Diana wish that she had brought a coat with her. They walked along the main road towards Avonlea and the raging sunset was beautiful across the trees.

Looking down at Arabella who mumbled softly to herself "I thought she might look more like you" Simon added as they admired their little girl. Diana smiled softly to herself, she could only ever imagine a blond little child, after all, Mini May had lighter hair and as did Simons siblings. "I hope our next have your dark hair" he added. How could he have slipped that topic straight into their conversation as if he were remarking on the weather?

"And if she has blond hair?" Diana asked looking ahead.

"Then we keep trying" he laughed. Diana rolled her eyes, he seemed to be forgetting that she would be the one who would be the one who would actually give birth to these children.

"I am sorry I did not forgive you, I should have taken your word that it would not happen again" Diana added finally addressing the looming cloud over their moment. They were on their way back to the house when the words were uttered, and Simon took her hand and placed a soft kiss on it. Pictures of Jerry loomed in her mind but she had to push them back because it Simon were to ever find out about what had actually transpired then she knew she would lose her daughter.

"Since we are being honest then, I have to ask" Simon started as they turned the corner to the driveway of the house.

"When you said that you had not properly spoken to Mr Beynard until the Church, was that the truth?" Simon asked, choosing his words carefully.

"No," she said softly before she could doubt herself "I saw him on his way to Green Gables on my morning walks" she explained feeling her stomach-ache with what she was admitting to.

"And might I ask what you were talking about?" he asked again. Diana didn't even know where to start.

"Practicing my French mainly, but he asked me about our trips to Paris, I asked about his family, his daughter. And he asked about you and Ari, about books. I am sorry I didn't tell you but I was certain that you would not let me go" Diana added quickly feeling the panic rise.

"Damn right I would not, you do understand why I can not let you go on your walks any longer?" Simon asked, Diana, nodded.

"Yes, I understand" They arrived home just in time for supper, there was no time to change and so the couple sat and enjoyed the meal. With the date of their departure looming ahead, Diana was adamant about wanting to visit Anne one last time before they left.

"Diana, could we play charade's please?" Mini May asked as the plates began to be cleared.

"If everyone else is amenable to the idea, I do not see why not" Diana replied to her mother's pleasure. Mrs Barry was delighted to see how beautiful of a lady Diana had become.

After supper and games, Diana took the time to tuck Arabella in her bed and carefully let her dark hair fall from its updo. She was exhausted and looked forward to falling right asleep. Her dress was removed, and she slid into her nightgown before washing her face and braiding her hair. Simon placed a kiss on her head, and they returned to the bed. After the many previous times they had made love, Simon could sense there was something different, his wife seemed more certain of herself. His suspicions were confirmed when Diana Berry breathed the words "Jerry" as they came together. 

Stolen Moments (Jerry Baynard X Diana Barry) Anne with an E FanficWhere stories live. Discover now