Chapter 28 - Oh, god... what am I going to do?

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Chapter 28 – Oh, god… what am I going to do?

Lucy’s POV

We make it back to the Alpha house at about two in the afternoon and my nerves are all over the place. I feel sick again, but I know I’m not actually going to be sick as I’ve already emptied out the contents of my stomach back at my house. In front of both Beck and Justin; an experience I won’t be able to live down easily, I’m sure.

I have no idea what to expect when I step foot into this house, and so I nervously stand here biting my lip as Justin opens the door and lets us all in.

“You okay?” Beck asks, picking up on my nerves immediately, which is not good.

If there’s one thing I can’t do when I come face to face with the Pack, its show my nerves. It’ll just add more fuel to the fire, proving to everyone that I have one more weakness for them to pick on. Especially Baldwin; I don’t think I can deal with his sneering comments right now. I’m tired enough as it is.

“Yeah,” I reply to Beck, doing my best to put on a brave face. “Just want to get this over and done with so I can go to sleep.”

He nods in response, although I’m pretty sure I haven’t fooled him. Then again, not a lot gets past Beck.

“Everyone should be in the dining room still,” Justin says, leading us in that direction.

Okay, you can do this… I tell myself. You have to do this.

The second the three of us enter the room everyone turns to look at us before falling silent, stopping David mid-speech.

I can’t do this.

“Lucy!” a familiar voice cries out before, suddenly, I’m being practically crushed by Amy as she pulls me into a hug. “Oh my god we were so worried!” she exclaims. “Are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened?”

“I’m okay,” I assure her as she finally decides to let me go, only for me to be pulled into another (less bone-crushing) hug by Jess.

By this point, quiet unsettling murmurs start up around the room as people begin to slowly speculate to each other.

Beck stays by my side as Justin heads up to the front of the room to go and talk to his dad, probably wanting to explain to him what’s going on.

“What the hell happened to you wrists?” Amy asks when I pull away from Jess, causing me to look down at my arms to find that the sleeve of my hoodie has pushed up slightly, just enough to show off the raw redness of my skin.

They don’t hurt as much now, though, probably because they don’t have the ropes still rubbing against them anymore. At the minute, it just feels like a hot dull ache of pain as opposed to the burning sensation before.

“They were tied up,” I reply, looking from my wrists and back to my two best friends as I pull the sleeves back down to cover them. “I’m seriously fine though.”

“What happened?” someone else asks, and I look up to find Richard and Louisa heading over to me as well.

“Um,” I say as Louisa pulls me into a hug too, not quite sure how to answer. “Well, I was kind of just on my way back from Beck’s when-”

“Lucy,” I immediately glance over when I hear David’s voice calling me from the front table. A few other people turn to look as well and I sigh to myself, knowing that I can’t put this off much longer.

“I’ll explain later,” I say, turning back to Louisa with what I hoped was a reassuring smile before making my way over to the table.

“I’m so glad you’re okay,” Wendy says, relief evident on her face as I approach.

OMEGA (Under Rewrite)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon