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Here's the update for you all ✨💗💗 I just want to take a moment and say how happy I get when I receive messages begging for more chapters.

It makes me think I really am good at this. 😭😭

I gulped feeling my mouth go dry. I knew what he was doing; this was a tactic to divert us away from the real issue.

"What's the belt for?" I asked timidly.

Hero smirked. "To either restrain you or have you bite just in case it hurts."

Hurt? Was he actually planning to enter me... that way?

"How will it fit?" I found myself asking.

Hero didn't seem phased.

"Like I told you before: you'll expand with my size. I'll ease into it. It needs to be gradual. Unless you beg for more."

Wrapping my arms around myself, I couldn't imagine how I would.

"S-should I go to the bedroom?" I stuttered.

"No," Hero growled, "I'm going to splay you across the kitchen table where I have full access. Today's been hell. I need this."

I didn't bother saying much else as he eyed me like I was his next meal. It's not that I didn't want this. I was inexperienced and I'd only known us to make love one way.

He looked so expecting and energized. I didn't want to upset him over something that could possibly save our night.

How bad could it be, really?

I stared in awe as he practically ripped off his shirt, baring his impressive abs and many, many tattoos.

He kept his eyes on me as he slowly unbuttoned his jeans and slipped them down his legs, allowing his member to spring free.

It was rock hard and I could see it twitch as he held it in a hand. This moment was so sensual, so sexual that I had to take a minute to close my eyes.

How was he able to hypnotize me in such a carnal way?

Taking the bottle and emptying the liquid, Hero smoothed a hand down his impressive length, the velvet skin moving.

He moaned as his body shook, making me squeeze my thighs together. I was already wet. How did he have so much control over me with one sound?

Wanting to push him over the edge, I slipped a hand into my shorts. Finding my G spot though the slick pink flesh, I flicked, instantly jolting.

Noticing this, Hero pumped faster, biting down on his lip. We both moved in unison, like a well-run machine.

Then, as we both seemed to reach the edge, we paused, staring greedily at one another.

Dropping his pants to the ground, he hissed at me:

"Table. Now."

I did as I was told, rushing over. I felt the coldness seep through my skin as I rested on the clear glass.

I felt Hero's erection against my backside as he eased my shorts down.

"These clothes," he growled, "why are you wearing them?"

"My friends lent them to me." I managed to choke out through my arousal.


He didn't say much as he tended to my cheeks kneading and massaging them. I couldn't be sure whether he was upset over this or not but that didn't really concern me at the moment.

Hero was impatient as he spread my cheeks and pressed the tip to my entrance. Doing it this way was different. It wasn't slick, though his penis felt oiled.

I felt tighter somehow. It was like my body knew I wasn't supposed to be taken this way.

I clenched as he inched his way into me.

"Kristina," Hero scolded.

I sucked in a sharp breath.


"Don't be afraid. This isn't going to work if you don't relax. I'm about to combust. I need to be inside you."

I shut eyes tightly, feeling my muscles go lax. He was right. I looked at it like a needle. If I didn't go into this positively, things were only going to go worse than planned.

As Hero moved forward another inch, the pain grew more bearable. I found myself pushing back as he thrusted to the hilt, filling me whole.

It stole the breath out of me as if I'd just run a marathon. Then, with gusto, he slowly eased back, moving inside me with more care than he'd ever displayed.

The sensation felt strange. As his member rubbed against me, it was like a live-wire to my system, that drew me closer to my climax.

It must have felt the same for Hero because he groaned, his movements becoming more frantic.

"I'm coming. Fuck!"

As he continued to mercilessly move, he reached for both my nipple and my sensitive bud, teasing them.

This was it. I was weak, a slave to his every touch.

Not being able to hold off any longer, I felt the familiar tingle before I exploded gloriously, gripping at the edges of the table.

Hero cried out violently, finally stilling inside me as he emptied himself.

As I rested my cheek against the glass, completely exhausted, he buried his face into my shoulder, trailing a finger across my back.

"How was that for you?" He whispered.

I smiled, allowing myself to giggle.
"It was different. It felt good."

"Good. I'm glad."

From the couch I heard my phone ring.

Lifting himself off me, Hero offered a hand, setting me on my feet. Without thinking about my shorts on the ground, I rushed over staring at my screen.

It was Emma.

The text read:

Were you still prepared to question Elouise with a wire?

I took a moment to look back at Hero and it was then I realized we hadn't used the belt.

Thank you all for reading

What about that cliffhanger though 🤗🤗

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