Chapter One

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Author's Note: Before we get right into this I want everyone to have a heads up on some things. I made this story centered in ancient Korea, but I am not a historian so there may be a few flaws, but I've tried my best (and probably overthought about a bunch of it) and hope that most of it is historically and geographically accurate. Also I use Korean terms for family in here as well. If you're not familiar with them here's an overview of the few I've used. "Eomma" meaning "mom/mother", "Abeoji" meaning "dad/father" and "Hyung" meaning "Older brother". I really hope you guys like this story! I've put so much effort into this that I can't wait for you to see what's about to unfold!
-Liz x

Chapter One

The crunch of leaves underneath a pair of ivory paws has the small wildlife of the forest scurrying away from the dangerous-sounding predator, and back towards the sanctuary of their homes.

The wolf was unfazed as he watches the squirrels climb back up the trees towards their nests, while the rabbits scurried off towards their burrows in the ground. Their escape was perfectly fine with the snowy-colored wolf.

After all, he had a much bigger prize in mind to take back home to his family that day.

The wolf's once beautiful pair of spotless white-colored paws were now soiled by the damp and muddy ground of the woods. The smell of rain was still present in the air of the forest after the morning thunderstorm that had made its way throughout the pack's territory.

The smell of the rain after a thunderstorm mixed with the smell of fresh pine, always made the omega even more excited for a hunt.

Taehyung was a skilled hunter, having been taking down animals twice his size with his abeoji since he was just a pup. He knew exactly when his prey would move to where, based on the weather and the time of day.

He knew that the herd he was currently looking for would be heading out from their hiding place inside of the brush beside the pond, to take a chance at getting a small drink.

That's where the wolf waited, hidden by a patch of trees, only about a yard from the pond in question.

He didn't have to wait for long before his prey made its first appearance, a few minutes after he settled in his hiding spot, the first of the herd flaunted it's way out of the brush.

The tan-colored doe takes a timid look of the surrounding area before coming completely out of her hiding spot. She acts incredibly cautious as she slowly makes her way down towards the pond.

Deer were an easily spooked animal, and you had to be patient while tracking and hunting them, or you will only manage to lose out on your chance of a successful kill.

The wolf keeps extra still inside of his hiding spot, as he watches the doe become completely serene with her surroundings, flipping her tail up in a flash of white as she leans down to take a drink from the pond.

And just as he had suspected, two more of the deer peek their way from out of the brush, and into the open, finding their fellow companion's idle actions as a good sign that the coast was clear to make their own appearance.

Deer hardly ever traveled on their own, usually always staying together in groups. Even bucks usually liked to stick with a herd of others, usually doe who they would be able to mate during the right time of the season, but occasionally even with their fellow testosterone pumping companions.

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