Chapter 50

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I am loosing it. I can't stop pacing and trying to contact Hope. We are brainstorming ways to find her. A couple of our better fighters have joined us at my house. One of our trackers is out at the school getting the scent of Chuck. He may be able to narrow down his whereabouts.

Mom's phone rings and she is immediately asking where Hope is. Could this be him? She puts him on speaker and we are all silently listening to the exchange. He sounds much crazier than I expected. I am telepathically linked with Mom, trying to help her navigate this insane conversation. He really thinks she will decide to be with him, after killing her husband, and kidnapping my mate.

They agree to meet at the airport. There is no way he is getting his disgusting hands on Mom. But we have to go along with his insane plan if I want to get Hope. I just pray we can find her before Mom gets within ten feet of this lunatic.

I finally feel a slight connection to Hope. It's extremely weak. But I know she is at least still alive. Once Mom is off the phone, we all go into rescue mode. Mom is actually packing a bad so he isn't suspicious. I continue trying to sense Hope and get a feel for how far away she is. The better our connection, the easier I can pinpoint her location.

One of our pack members is a police officer. He assures us that he will be at the airport with his partner, ready to arrest Chuck. He remembers him from back in the day. He knows how volatile he is. He even contacts the airlines and has them looking out for Chuck. I doubt he will actually get onto a plane before being apprehended. But he has eluded us before.

My mind is going a thousand different directions. Mostly, I'm concerned about Hope. Is she hurt and scared? Does Chuck have a back up plan if his first one fails? Is she in more danger with him gone? He may even have accomplices like last time. Then I'm worried about Mom. She keeps assuring me that she is fine and can handle this. I know she is strong, and my Beta is going with her, but I love her and can't help but be worried.

Every time I reach out to Hope, the connection is a tiny bit stronger. I can sense that she isn't hurting. That is usually a very strong emotion that would come through the bond. That gives me a huge sense of relief. But I do feel her fear. Every now and then, it spikes and then settles down. I don't even want to imagine what is happening.

Mom and our team of skilled wolves are ready to head to the airport. I hope this isn't just a diversion. I am not joining them. The twins and I are staying behind to get Hope once I can feel where she is. Mom and I have an emotional goodbye. Emotional on my part. She is as strong and confident as ever. "Noah, just get Hope. That's all you need to worry about. I will be fine." She tells me as I hug her. "Be careful. And mind link me with any new information." I plead as she gets into her car.

Once they are gone, I concentrate more intently on Hope. The connection is stronger. I know she is still in our town. I sense her presence isn't too far away. I sense that she is worried. The twins are quiet as I pace back and forth.

Then I feel it. Our mind link is reestablished! "Hope, are you okay?" "Yes, I'm not hurt." She assures me. "I love you. Where are you?" I ask quickly. "I'm really not sure. I was unconscious on the way here. And Chuck is still in the apartment. He is packing."

"Okay, don't let him notice you have our connection back." "I won't. He believes it will take a day at least to reestablish it. He thinks our bond is weak." "That's good. Play into that."

She said she's in an apartment. I get on google maps and try to pinpoint where to start looking. There are a lot of apartments in this area because of the college. I need more information. I am starting to sense that she is close to the high school. That narrows it down more.

"I think you are close Hope. Can you share your strongest emotions with me? We are going to start driving around town. The stronger your emotions, the more I can feel you." "Yes, I can." Then I feel a wave of love pass through the bond. It's probably the strongest thing I have ever felt from her up until now.

I rush to the car with the boys and we are driving faster than we should. "He just left. He took a suite case and it looked like he had a gun in the back of his pants." "I'm glad he's gone. Tell me everything he did and said."

Hope relays his entire twisted conversation with her. I contact Mom and let her know that he is on his way. She is almost at the airport. Hope keeps sending loving and powerful emotions to me through the bond. I keep her talking. She doesn't seem scared. She trust that I will find her.

I drive all over town. I can sense her general direction and if I am heading towards her, or away from her. I am confident that I am on the right track. The twins are now in communication with Mom so I can focus all of my attention on finding Hope. They tell me Mom is in the airport now, standing near the United ticket counter. Chuck won't get passed security with a gun on him. But he could use it before he gets that far.

Hope is calming me with soothing thoughts. She throws in a few memories of the night I marked her. Those emotions are pretty powerful. I am getting a good sense of where she is now. Just a few blocks from the school. He must have been keeping a close eye on us. It disgusts me to think that he was watching Hope.

I pull up to a building where I feel her the strongest. Its a few stories high. This will take some searching if I can't narrow down her exact location. The boys and I get out of the car and run around the perimeter of the building.

The boys stop suddenly. I turn to them to see what the problem is. "They got him. He pulled the gun when they tried to arrest him. He was only a few feet away from Mom. But they subdued him and are questioning him now. He is refusing to tell them where Hope is. So it's all on us now." Zander tells me. It is a relief that they got him. But I still need to find Hope, and pray that he didn't leave any surprises behind.

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