Chapter 16

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Jeremy was not in the mood to speak to anyone. Not even Elijah or Klaus. He shut everyone out. He used part of the Gilbert fund to give the Martin witches the funeral that they deserved. They had been caught up in vampire drama and it ended up in their deaths.

A dear father and son perished together on the journey to rescue their loved one from the claws of Klaus.. His brother. He didn't know what to think. Maybe his sister wanted to go off with him?

He sighed deeply as he flicked through the texts that the Martins had given him as a gift. They didn't deserve this. Jeremy could see himself becoming friends with Luka, his father could have become his mentor as well. He had gotten two of the highest quality coffins that he could find, (the money that their parents left behind enabled him to do this).He also had gotten people to bury them and he said some simple wiccan rights in order to enable them a smooth journey into the afterlife.

He was currently holed up in his room, only going out of his room to eat necessary meals and complete his hygiene routine, apart from that he spent his time studying. Studying magic. He wished that Bonnie's grams were still alive. That way Bonnie and him could have had the same teacher and could have bonded over the wonders of magic and could have had a strong friendship, but of course Elena had to ruin everything by begging her to open the tomb, resulting in the death of the older woman.

He clenched his fist on the pages of the text, feeling his anger rise up inside him. He had to be better than this. He couldn't go underneath the waves of emotions and let his heart guide his path instead of his head. 'always choose you're head over your heart, Jeremy' he whispered softly to himself as he looked at the various spells that were written down. There were spells ranging from healing spells to even love spells. Jeremy snickered to himself, suddenly thinking of Harry Potter for one strange moment.

But there was one spell that immediately caught his attention. It looked demonic and dark in nature. He remembered Jonas's words to him regarding different types of magic. 'Never practice dark magic. The darkness creeps into your heart and ruins your soul. Only practice what's linked to nature. Only practice what is natural' he had told him, Luka nodding his head in agreement with his father's words, a serious look in his eyes. So why was there a death spell in the grimorie? Surely something like that should be ripped out and burned?

He took a glance at the page. There was a thick skull in the middle of the page with thorns growing out of crevices, the incantations written in curvy latin all around it. He couldn't understand what it meant, but whatever it did it had to be devilish. He stared at it and his heart leapt and pounded in his chest. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He didn't even want to look at the ingredients needed for such a spell. They looked tricky to acquire. He wondered to himself for a few moments if they had cast a spell similar to this.

He thought that he would be truly traumatised by it and so he quickly flicked over it, not wanting to be seeing that sort of thing again. He had a good mind to rip out that certain spell and burn it, but he didn't like messy books. It was one of his pet peeves. He sighed softly as he swung his legs and got himself out of bed. He was feeling more exhausted than usual. He needed some fresh air.

He got his coat and shoes on and debated whether to leave from the front door or his window. He couldn't bear to be even near anyone else so he decided to leave from his window, making sure that it was open so that he could climb back up into his room once he returned. It was easy to exit from his bedroom window as there was a tree that he could easily latch himself onto and descend carefully down.

He wanted to be away from the hustle and bustle of the small town and so he escaped to the woods. He dug his hands deep into his jacket pockets and walked through, feeling the crunch of the leaves beneath his feet, the earthy, rainy scent of the soil and trees, the gentle rush of wind through the leaves. Nature in its purest form. He walked further and deeper into the woods, not caring how far away from home he was.

He stood in the middle of the forest and closed his eyes, breathing in and out. In through his nose and out through his mouth. He calmed his warring heart and troubled mind, even if it was for a few moments. He desperately wanted peace and quiet. But there was never peace and quiet in the Supernatural Central, aka Mystic Falls. Suddenly he remembered a weather spell from the grimorie he was reading. He bit his lip and debated.

This was the first time he would have ever cast a proper spell and he was wondering how it would turn out. He decided to try it out. It couldn't hurt, right? Plus it was directly linked to nature, so no harm done. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath before calling out the incantation, feeling the air around and above him shift. A light rain shower was cascading down. The sound of the rainwater hitting the leaves was the balm to his soul. Therapy was expensive. But nature was free.

Suddenly there was a rustle and a snap of a twig. There was someone heading this way. The young reincarnated teenage witch clenched his fists and steeled himself, ready to fight if needs be. Who had decided to disturb his peace now? Just when he was finally feeling calm after the turbulent events over the past weeks and months. The rain was starting to clear and the sun peeked through the clouds, leaving the earth shiny and wet, leaving a thick, rich and earthy scent behind.

"Well done with that spell little one, Kol and Finn would be proud" the voice spoke. He whirled around. It was Klaus. In his own body. Jeremy's eyes widened, suddenly not knowing how to speak or what to say.

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