Chapter 8

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Underline is English

Y/n POV:

"Thanks for the roses, Y/n! And thank you, Shota for picking him up from school and making supper! I'm so lucky to have such handsome and helpful men as husband and son!" my mother exclaims as she finishes the last grain of rice off her plate. I stand up from my chair and walk over to her.

"Can I take your dishes away from you?" I ask, trying my best not to sound suspicious. I was still trying to get on her good side, even though she still didn't know about me skipping school. Not that I wanted her to. She simply nods her head and I take her plate and chopsticks to the sink.

'Not that Dad's any better,' I think as I walk back to my spot at the table, lightly eyeing my father as I pass him. Like my mother had mentioned, he made supper to offset the fact that he encouraged me to skip school and break the law. 'As he should.' I chuckle at my thought as I sit back down.

"You guys are acting so nice to me right now? Are you sure you didn't do something and are trying to make it up by doing all these amazing things?" my mother asks, making both my father and I freeze in our spots. I look into my father's eyes and see the pure fear in them.

'Can we kill her?' I 'speak' to him as I eye my mother for a second before looking back at my father. Every once in a while, my father and I could tell what the other was thinking, usually in times of high stress or when we didn't want my mother to hear us. This was one of those times.

He slightly shakes in his head, disagreeing with me, before 'saying' something along the lines of 'there's no room in the basement '.

"I'm only kidding! You wouldn't do anything like that!" my mother laughs out, interrupting the 'telepathic' conversation me and my father were having. I let out a silent sigh as I pull out my phone and check the time.

'7:58? I'll probably leave around 11:10, so what to do in the meantime?' I think as I put my phone back in my pocket. 'Schoolwork? Don't have any... Study French? Je ne parle pas français. That's like the only French I know... Oh! Resume. I need to write up a resume for tomorrow,' I remember as I stand out of my chair once more. 

"Thanks for dinner. I think I'm gonna head to bed early. See you guys tomorrow," I tell them as I head to the stairs. I put the headphones that had been sitting around my neck all day over my ears as I start to climb the stairs.

'What should I put on it?' I question as I reach the top and walk into my room. Starting to feel hot, I throw off my uniform coat, leaving only my comfy clothes on. I pull out my laptop, sit down on my bed, and pull up a blank resume template. Quickly, I pull my phone back out and press shuffle on a random playlist. After that, I set a timer for 11:05, leaving me a few extra minutes to sneak out. 'Bilingual with a basic understanding of French... I suppose that's a good start,' I think as I start to type out some of my achievements and volunteer work.

"Oh! Class-A dumbass! Wait. That makes me look bad," I say as I continue to think about what was special about me. The cycle of me coming up with terrible ideas repeated late into the night.


"Haruhi and I are the main characters, so that means we are love interests," Tamaki says, cutting off my playlist. I slightly jump at his voice, but smirk as one of my favourite lines comes up.

"Yeah, then what are we?" I say, synchronized with the twins, as I dramatically turn off my laptop and point at the blank screen

"You boys are the homosexual supporting cast!" I say as I point at my reflection before I start to chuckle. "I need to stop making this a part of my personality," I tell myself as I pull my headphones off my head, down to my neck, and pause my playlist. Shutting the laptop, I get off my bed and plug it in to charge.

OW! That Hurt! (Sk8 the Infinity x Male Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now