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"Ugh Wanda... I don't know about this one." You were standing in your closet surveying the extremely elegant dress on its hanger. "Come on Y/N! You will look absolutely amazing!" Wanda came rushing in to stand by your side. You bit the inside of your cheek out of nervous habit. "It's not too over the top? I don't want to look stupid." 

"No it is not, this is a Stark gala you know that right?" Wanda joked causing the two of you to laugh. "And besides, you planned practically the whole thing, you're allowed to be over the top here! And the only eyes that matter are Barnes'." You turned you head to smile at your friend, appreciative that she always knew what to say. 

Tonight was another one of Stark's charity galas. But you had offered to plan it because you were very passionate about the cause. You didn't mean to do absolutely everything, but you got carried away and went all in, not allowing anyone else to bat an eye. There was going to be auctions, different donation centers placed around the ballroom, and much more. 

The two of you finished up doing your hair and makeup before slipping into your gowns and shoes. You applied an extra coat of lip gloss before heading down to meet the rest of the team. Most of them were busy in conversation or checking over everything. But Bucky's eyes were glued to you the second you walked down the stairs. He looked incredibly handsome in his tux and you couldn't help but smile once you saw him. 

You walked up to him and he immediately grabbed your hands with his. "Wow... I seriously don't even have words, you look breathtaking." You let out a small laugh, smiling at his compliment. "Thank you Bucky, you look very handsome. Are you going to be okay tonight?" Bucky was still struggling with these big events and the masses of people. But he wanted to be there to support you. 

"I'll be just fine, anything for my best girl." His hands moved to your waist, pulling you closer to give you a gentle kiss, careful not to mess up your makeup. "Thank you babe, you know how much I love you right?" You smirked up at him, "how could I forget?" He gave you a cheeky grin and a wink. 

After greeting the rest of the team, you went to the front of the room to make an announcement, you still got a bit nervous talking in front of people but when you saw Bucky looking at you with so much adoration in his eyes, you felt perfectly fine. "I just wanted to thank all of you for coming tonight to support this wonderful cause. The silent auction will start on the left side of the room in about thirty minutes, or feel free to go to the donation stations at any time tonight. Please help yourselves to the food and drinks, and enjoy your night!" You smiled putting down the microphone as everyone lightly clapped for you. 

"Wow Y/N, I might make you plan all of my events." Tony walked up to you handing you a glass of champagne. "Don't get too carried away Stark." You joked before he pulled you into a hug. You spent the next hour going around the room greeting all of the guests and making sure everything was in order. You finally let out a sigh of relief, happy that everything was going perfectly. 

You stood alone sipping your champagne when you noticed Bucky sitting by himself on one of the couches. You frowned a little and walked over to him, setting your glass down on the table. "Hey, you doing alright?" You questioned sitting next to him and placing a hand on his shoulder. "I'm fine Y/N you don't need to worry about me." He smiled but you could tell it was forced. 

An idea popped into your head as you squeezed his shoulder, forcing him to look at you. "Then let's leave." You smiled, "What do you mean?" Bucky turned to face you, eyebrows knit together in confusion. "I said let's just leave, let's go somewhere else." 

"Y/N I can't ask you to do that on your big night, you've been planning this for months." He tilted his head. "And it's going perfectly fine! Everything seems to be in order. And besides, Tony is the one doing all the talking." You nodded your head to Tony who was laughing with a bunch of extremely important investors. Bucky laughed, "you make a good point. Are you sure? I know how much this means to you." 

"Well, nothing means more to me than you, so get up pretty boy." You stood in front of him, holding your hands out signaling for him to stand. He let out a breathy laugh before standing, holding his arm out for you to wrap yours around. You both smiled, quietly exiting without anyone noticing. 

The two of you took off into the city, walking around a quiet street and stopping for a slice of pizza. You were both laughing and smiling so much that your cheeks hurt. Bucky was telling you one of the many funny stories of how he had to save Steve from a fight when they were young. Seeing his face light up when he talked about his best friend meant everything to you. 

The two of you looked so out of place walking around in a ballgown and a tuxedo, but neither of you noticed the stares because you were so caught up in each other. It was getting later and the temperature had dropped substantially, causing a shiver to run over your body. "Oh baby you're freezing, here take my jacket." 

Before you could protest, Bucky was placing his jacket around your shoulders and you pulled it closer to you, taking in the warmth. You were now sitting on a bench in Central Park just enjoying the city you loved to call your home. You leaned your head over onto Bucky's shoulder, and he placed his hand on your thigh, rubbing small smoothing circles over your dress. "Thank you so much for this Y/N, I can't tell you how much I appreciate it." 

You smiled even though he couldn't see your face, "Of course, anytime you need to get away, you know I'm here for you." He used his other hand to lift your face up to his, placing a sweet kiss on your lips. "I love you." He whispered between kisses causing you to smile. "I love you more." He laughed onto your lips, "not possible sweetheart." 

𝐁𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐒 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora