24 || Talking in Our Room

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"He what?" Minho's jaw was practically on the floor. Judging by Minho's reaction, I was pretty sure that it was supposed to be a secret.

"Yeah, he told me like a week ago. Didn't he tell you, too?" Chuck asked innocently.

"Chuck, sweetie, I think that was something he only told you." I explained gently. Chuck looked mortified.

"I didn't know... Thomas is going to kill me." He let his head droop. I patted him comfortingly on the shoulder, then turned sideways to face Minho.

"Him having a thing for me actually makes a lot of sense. He tried to look at my boobs while I was changing on the night of the storm." I stated, rethinking all of my interactions with Thomas. That would also explain why him and Newt were fighting so often. Thomas was attracted to me but didn't want to tell Newt.

"I didn't think of it like that at the time because I thought he was gay-- not to mention in a relationship-- but he also tried to get past me twice while you were showering. I thought it was just because he was an impatient slinthead." Added Minho grimly.

I felt a little sick. I had slept right next to him. If he had really wanted to try something, he probably could've. Then another thought occurred to me. Thomas was probably one of the people that wanted Gally out of their way.

"Do you think he was the one who told Zart about Gally sneaking in?" I whispered. Both of our eyes darted up to Zart. He had a sly grin on his face but he wasn't close enough to anyone for it to be from a conversation. He had definitely seen Thomas rush off; most people in the area had.

"That little shank!" Minho snarled. I took that as a 'yes'. "I'm going to go talk to Newt about all this. I know it might break his heart, but... it's better if he knows."

I felt a pang of nerves hit me. Would Newt be mad at me for this? It wasn't my fault, but if the roles were reversed I know I would be angry. All I could do as Minho jogged off in Newt and Thomas' direction was hope that our friendship was strong enough to persevere.

I looked up at Zart again to find him staring at me. Suddenly, I felt naked under his gaze. He saw me squirm and pushed himself off of the wall and started towards me. Having only Chuck with me, I felt much less protected than usual.

Acting solely on instinct, I sprung to my feet, grabbed my tray and walked towards Gally's table. He was luckily sitting on the far side of the bench with room on the end for me to cautiously plant myself. I earned confused looks from everyone at the table.

Glancing over at Zart, I saw that he was standing back by the same wall again, watching me like a hawk. I wanted to explode with the urge to tell Gally everything that had just happened but decided the best course of action was to not make a scene.

"Is it okay if I sit with you guys?" I tried hard to act nonchalant. Gally muttered an 'of course' and introduced me to his friends. I said hello to everyone, trying hard to remember their names but finding it extremely difficult with Zart's eyes burning a hole in my back.

I scooted closer to Gally in an attempt to hide myself behind him. He looked at me quizzically and I just smiled. It mustn't have been very convincing, however, because he looked over to where I'd been sitting, seeming startled to find it almost empty. He began scanning the room for my usual tablemates.

"Where's-" He cut himself off when he noticed Zart staring at us. As soon as Zart realized that he'd been caught by Gally, he ducked through the door to his left and out of sight.

"What the shuck is going on?" Gally demanded quietly. his conversational tone was long gone. He was almost done anyways, so I grabbed his hand and lead him away from the table. It was a conversation that I did not want to have in front of people I barely knew.

We walked all the way to Gally's room. The second the door clicked shut, I practically exploded with information. I told him about the situation with Thomas, mentioning his relationship with Newt but leaving out the parts about them fighting for Newt's sake.

He looked enraged when I told him about how I thought Zart had only changed his vote because he didn't to lose the chance of having sex with a girl and that because Thomas also wanted to have sex with me, the two were likely teaming up. His expression made it clear that a subject change was necessary.

"Will you come with me to get my stuff? I've been keeping my things in Newt's room and I don't think he's going to take very kindly to me after he finds out about everything. I'd rather go now while he's out." I didn't even finish my sentence before Gally agreed with a nod.

I could see that he was still angry, so I took his hand sweetly and let him pull me over to Newt's room. I gathered my few things from atop Newt's dresser and we returned to Gally's room. Or, should I now say, Gally and I's room.

I sat patiently on the bed as he cleared out a drawer in his dresser for my to put my few things, including the pair of clothes that Minho had now officially said I could keep.

Once he had calmed down a bit, we ended up laying on the bed and facing each other under the blanket. For a while, all we did was lay there and enjoy each other's company.

"You have no idea how comfortable this bed is after four nights of sleeping on cement." He sighed, rolling onto his back and stretching with a grin. I let out a joyous laugh at how happy he looked.

"I'm getting kind of tired, I'm going to go get ready for bed." I announced and rolled away from him in order to get up. He gave a groan in protest an pulled me back towards him, my back now against his chest.

"Just lay here a little longer, please?" He pleaded. I laughed again at his childishness.

"I'm coming right back, Gally." I promised, trying again to get up but his arm across my torso didn't budge. I sighed in defeat. "Okay, two more minutes. But then I'm getting up."

"Success!" He imitated a crowd roaring for himself, earning yet another giggle from me. "I love it when you laugh." He stated, placing a quick kiss to my jaw. I flushed a little and hoped he couldn't see it from his angle. The last thing I remember before unwillingly falling asleep was intertwining my fingers with Gally's.

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