pt | 28

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"Another shot! For my broken heart," I exclaimed and drunk the beer in one gulp.

"Wooo! Shot for that sucker!" Hyensa exclaimed and drunk her beer too.

I giggled and sighed. Inhaling the evening air.

Hyensa and I were on the bridge, drinking beers to forget about everything that happened. There was no truck that passes the bridge. It was dark and the only source of light are the lights of the building across the it.

"One bottle to forget that I have a boy-fucking-friend!"

"Two bottles to forget that the sucker was my boss!"

"Three bottles to forget that I was dumb!"

Hyensa laughed, "We already drunk four cases of beers."

"I don't care," I huffed.

I only had a very small tolerance of alcohol so for this time, I was surely drunk. Hyensa has a high tolerance so she was the sobber. But I think she was drunk too. She drunk three cases of beers while me, I just drunk one case.

"You know what, Hyen? I'm so broken right now. Did you fucking saw the scene earlier? He chose Sonyoung over me. Am I that unlovable? Why did he even court me? Just for shit? God! I can't handle this feeling."

I heard her sigh. I slowly stood up and opened my arms. I smiled as the wind hit my body.

"I want to jump here right now," I said.

"Jump! I won't stop you. If that makes you happy, I'll support you," I heard her say.

"Well, I don't want to leave my brother yet," I mumbled and sat back next to her.

After staying on the brigde, arguing whether to jump or not, we started to walk back home. And shit, our house was kilometers away.

Hyensa and I walked like zombies. I felt very dizzy. A light of a car feets away from us was blinding and it made me even more dizzy.

After I blacked out, I felt like I was being carried.



I groaned as I opened my eyes.

"Welcome headache!"

I groaned at the loud voice that made my head ached more.

Damn you, Jisung!

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I opened it again. And when I did, the ache in my head just increased.

"Are you okay?"

I ignored the pain and immediately sat up. He handed me a glass of water and a painkiller. I stared at it then at him.

"Drink it, noona," Jisung whined, "Aish! Why did you even got drunk last night?"

I turned my gaze to Jisung and smiled a little, ignoring Yoongi's presence.

"Ji, get me a painkiller and a glass of water please," I pleaded.

He scowled at me, "Yoongi-hyung already had it."

"I want you to get me," I demanded.

He stared at me and to Yoongi, then back to me and to Yoongi. He already got it and nodded then he left the room.

I leaned myself on the headboard, face straight and not landing a glance to Yoongi.

I heard him sigh.

"Y/N, I'm sorry," he started, "I was just shock that you beat Sonyoung so I reacted that way. I'm sorry. Please... forgive me babe..."

I pretended not to hear him. My heart was still aching and I was not ready to accept any apologies. Or not anymore.

"Y/N, please... I'm sorry. I know I was a dick to act like that to you."

Then why did you ignored me for days? Why didn't you explained when I needed explaination?

I bit my tongue in order not to voice out what was in my head.

My eyes widen when Yoongi hugged me. My hands were so itchy that I wanted to hug him back but ache overwhelmed me.

Ha! Hug a stone, Yoongi.

"I know you're mad at me. I won't force you to forgive me. Just please, hear me out. I'm so sorry," he whispered, pain laced his voice.

I pushed him away and looked him in the eyes. And I had to admit, I missed him but no! Hyensa will kill me if I melt the ice in me just because of a simple sorry and a hug.

"I love you," he said in a low voice, "Only you, Y/N. Please remember that."


We're close to end...

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