Snow Day

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Sagittarius: SNOW DAY!

Virgo: Please, do not talk in capitol letters. I might have to kill you. And then clean up your blood because it would be disgusting to look at.

Libra: Virgo! Calm down. Can't we just all be happy it's a snow day?

Virgo- It is**

Aquarius: Should we do something today?

Capricorn: I have that presentation to work on. Pisces isn't helping.

Pisces: Don't blame me! I did a great job. I tried to keep up with your plans.

Scorpio: Sorry I'm late. Unlike some people, I was sleeping.

Aries- Shush! Stop talking! I am trying to sleep and my phone keeps dinging!

Gemini- Then turn it off.

Leo- I am not tired! I pulled an all nighter! I am so awake! I drank like seven cups of cofee!

Virgo- Coffee**

Gemini- On second thought, you should keep your ringer up! How else could you know that we are here?

Scorpio: Aries, when is the wrestling championship?

Aries- Wednesday, why? You wanna fight?

Virgo- Why can't any of you spell correctly!?

Scorpio: Dude, I'm on the wrestling team.

Sagittarius: Hey guys. I have a question.

Capricorn: What?

Pisces: Okay.

Scorpio: Tell us.

Aquarius: Since when did Sagittarius learn how to build up suspense?


Taurus- I will stab you if you /ever/ ask me that again.



Pisces: Don't pick on him like that.

Sagittarius: I'm just going to go build a snowman with Leo.

Leo- We will build the best snowman!! He will be the hottest snowman in the world!!

Virgo- How do you plan on making a hot snowman?

Aries- Wouldn't it melt?

Cancer- Maybe he meant like... sexy. A sexy snowman.

Libra: Winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle but put me in summer and I'll be a -- SEXY SNOWMAN

Aquarius: I'll borrow my dad's car and pick up those who want to build a 'sexy snowman'.

Capricorn: Don't come to my place. I have to finish this project.

Pisces: Capricorn, just LET IT GO! LET IT GO!

Virgo- Do not pick me up either, I cannot stand to look you people in the eye after knowing what horrible grammar you have.

Gemini- I want to build a snowman!

Gemini- Wait, then I'll be cold.

Gemini- But I could wear warm clothes!

Gemini- But then I'll have to get my lazy butt up...

Gemini- But then I could get skinnier!

Taurus- Just make up your damn mind!!

Scorpio: I'm just going to not build a snowman and head to the gym. Anyone want to meet up?

Capricorn: Do not pick me up. None of you can come to my house.

Aquarius: I'm not picking you up. Okay?

Libra: Everyone please calm down.

Virgo- Do not come near me. I am cleaning my house.

Aries- And I am gunna take a nap.

Scorpio: Sweet dreams

Capricorn: -_- Why can't they just stop being annoying, Virgo?

Virgo- I do not know. If you need a clean place to study, you can come over to my house and I can help you.

Leo- ... Boring!!

Capricorn: Thanks. I'll be there in 10 minutes.

Scorpio: I'll be at the gym. Bye.

Aquarius: Just grabbed the car keys. You guys are in charge of the snowman supplies. Gemini make up you're mind. Should I grab hot chocolate? Maybe not.

Virgo- Alright.

Gemini- Fine, I'll come.


End of Snow Day

Emma is laughing way to hard

So is Sky XD

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