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Snowmark had been eager to be let out of the stables to run along the cobblestone road. Beside him, Kae rode on top of her newly rented horse with the mule tagging along behind them. He slowed Snowmark to a gallop and glanced sideways at Kae.

Her eyes stayed wide, as if gazing at the world outside the city walls for the first time. How long had it been since he had seen the world that way, full of awe and wonder? Too long, Rehan noted. The first time he had been to this place, he had been impressed; it was a far cry from the poor continent he had come from with beautiful rolling hills, lush valleys, roads that paved the way for horses, wagons, caravans, and other travelers, plenty of rivers, especially a silver and blue one that followed the road for quite a distance. The trees here were numerous with leaves that shined and glistened in beautiful red and golds. It had been so long since Rehan had just taken his time to look at it all.

What he also couldn't stop looking at, was Kae. The sheer joy written on her expression and the wonder in her green eyes made him smile for reasons he couldn't fully explain—or understand. Even though he spent more than enough time in the company of women—when he wasn't on a job, anyway—getting to know one was a whole different story.

"You never did tell me exactly where we're headed," Rehan said.

Kae glanced at him and pursed her lips. "Right. I g—guess since you w—work for me, then you won't tell any other seamstresses."

Rehan's lips pulled into a smile that soon broke out into a bellowing laugh. "You were worried I would tell another seamstress and cause you to lose?"

Kae blushed and looked away from him.

"Well? Sunlight, moonlight, and starlight. How exactly do you plan to get materials for those? I doubt you found magic powerful enough for it." Rehan winked at her when she glanced back at him.

That made her crack a small smile. "I was thinking about the nomads in the north. They use a fl—flashy material called sunsilk that r—r—r—reflects sunlight."

Rehan nodded, sincerely impressed. She had really thought this through, then. "You think it will impress the king enough?"

Kae gnawed on her lower lip, tightening her hold on her horse's reigns. "I hope so."

"What about the last two?"

Kae gazed at the left where the river joined a series of rapids that cut through a cliff, bordered on all sides by trees. "Dark Elves in the south have a silver material that should work."

Rehan furrowed his eyebrows with a frown. "Dark Elves prefer to keep to themselves. I doubt you'll convince them to negotiate with you. The nomads are another story; they trade with caravans in Farowyn all the time." He paused and then glanced back at her again. "What about starlight?"

The blush returned to Kae's cheeks. "That, I haven't q—qu—q—quite figured out yet."

Rehan nodded and shot her horse a look. He was a long-legged stallion, gray with white specks dotting his skin. "You should name your horse. It isn't right to make them go without one."

Kae chuckled and gently petted her horse's neck. "Mm. What do you think? What's your horse's name?"


At the mention of her name, Snowmark paused on the road and lifted her head with a proud whinny. Rehan urged her with his feet and she continued forward.

They rode in silence for a moment, probably while Kae tried to think of a proper name for her own.

Kae shot him a glance. "Where did you come up with her name?"

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