Chapter 4

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Triggers interspersed throughout...

The first time Karan raised his hand on her was a month after their wedding. His friends had thrown a party in their honor. Karan took her to a salon and she'd been pampered for a few hours. She'd put her foot down when the beautician suggested she cut her waist-long hair. She loved her hair and had politely declined. Then she donned a beautiful full-length princess gown, put on makeup and curled her hair a bit. Karan was mesmerized when he saw her, grinning proudly as he tucked her arm into his, walking into the venue.

He'd been next to her the entire time, introducing her to his friends, dancing with her closely. She was uncomfortable with some of his friends who leered at her. When she mentioned it to Karan, he asked her to ignore them, telling her she wouldn't have to meet them again. As the party went on, he got steadily more and more drunk, but still in his senses. She had refused to drink and was nursing a virgin mojito the entire time, while worrying about whether Karan would have a lapse and go back to his binge-drinking days. Some guy had come up to her and asked her to dance, and she'd politely refused. He'd persisted, and she'd refused again and again. Until the slightly inebriated man had held her hand and pulled her to the dance floor. She'd protested, looking around for Karan, who was at the bar. She'd called his name, but he was too far into his cups to pay any attention to her. That was when she'd started getting afraid. She'd pushed the man away, and ran back to Karan's side, insisting they leave immediately.

Karan didn't want to. But she'd cajoled and pleaded until he'd agreed. Just as they were leaving, with her supporting him, the man from earlier had come up to them and complained to Karan that his wife was not dancing with him. She's so hot dude. You can't blame me for wanting a dance with her. Khushi was embarrassed and hurried outside with Karan. Their driver was ready with the car, and they drove back home. She sneaked him into their room, hoping nobody was awake to see Karan's condition.

All hell broke loose once they were in their room. Khushi was trying to get him ready for bed, taking his shoes and jacket off, when he grabbed her arm in a vicious grip and whispered angrily in her face.

"What was that guy saying?"

"What guy?"

"The one who wanted to dance with you"

"He asked me to dance, and I said no. I think he was a little drunk, so he wouldn't take no for an answer. That's why I said we should leave"

"He said you were hot. Why did you lead him on?"

Khushi was flabbergasted, "I didn't.... I didn't lead him on. He was drunk and wanted to dance with me. I told him no multiple times, but he wouldn't listen"

"There is a way to say no. If you'd said it strongly enough, he would've backed off. But you.... you think you're so hot, right?" He held her face with one hand, his fingers digging into her cheeks.

"You're hurting me Karan...... Please let go", Khushi protested.

"And what about when you hurt me?.... Flirting with random guys. Playing hard to get. you're a married woman, for god's sake. Is this how you behave?", he was yelling now.

"I didn't do anything. When he started insisting, that was when I came to you to come home. I didn't want to be there"

"oh sure..... make excuses for your behavior. Cover it up. But if I see you behaving like the slut that you are one more time.... I swear I will kill you", he let go of her face, shoving her away.

"Karan.... I didn't do anything. You're misunderstanding me", Khushi tried to explain, bewildered by this change in her charming husband.

"Shut up, you bitch!", Karan lashed out at her, both verbally and physically. His hand caught the side of her face and she fell to the floor with the impact, the right side of her face burning where his palm had made contact.

Some survival instinct in Khushi made her lie down quietly, softly whimpering.

"No.... noo..... no no Khushi.... No, I didn't mean to do that. I'm so sorry darling. I'm so sorry. I was just angry, sweetie. Why did you make me so angry?", Karan bent down to her, trying to hold her, tears falling out of his eyes as Khushi instinctively flinched away from him.

"I'm sorry darling.... I'm so sorry. This is wrong..... so wrong. I can't .... Khushi, sweetie, I'm so sorry. You made me angry, and I was jealous", Karan was apologizing, in tears, looking at her position on the floor.

He tried to pick her up, but she curled into a ball on the floor, her face still burning, her body in shock.

He picked her up effortlessly, and put her on the bed. Then wobbled to the bathroom and got her a wet cloth to put on her face. He was constantly muttering sorrys, with tears falling out of his eyes, looking guilty and contrite. She sobbed and he held her in his lap and rocked her like a baby, muttering sweet nothings into her ear, peppering her hair with kisses. When she finally got out of her shock and looked at his face, he looked into her eyes, looking slightly more sober now, and held her hands in his.

He put her down on the bed, and went to his knees before her, his face full of tears, his head hung, pressing her hands to his lips, muttering sorrys and forgive mes.

"I'll forgive you on the condition that you don't drink again", Khushi told him firmly, attributing his behavior to his drunkenness. If he hadn't drunk this much, he would never have hit her.

"yes..... yes.... I won't. I promise. Never again. I promise. Please don't hate me, Khushi. Please.... I am so sorry... please Khushi. Don't hate me. Don't leave me. I won't drink again. I promise. Please Khushi.... Please", he cried into her lap.

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