The Silent Alpha: The Beckon- Chapter 1

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The Silent Alpha

Chapter 1

*The main character is deaf. She only communicates through American Sign Language*

    © Copyright All Rights Reserved


My heartbeat was heavy in my skull. 

I looked at my surroundings as I tried to move swiftly through the halls. I prayed that no one noticed me. Walking through school was a drag. I didn't want to be here. It was a hell hole for me. Every day was like a living nightmare. I had no friends and I could barely understand my teachers. Isn't that how it is for all high school students? I suppose, but the thing that made me different was—

Some douche bag bumped into me, causing me to drop my books and papers all over the floor. He didn't even stop to help me; I looked at his face. I only caught bits and pieces of what he said, "... Need... you are going." 

At least that's what I thought he said. But I'm sure he told me I needed to watch where I was going. Well, that was all that I could do! Then he walked away, leaving me with all my things on the ground, and I scrambled to fix the mess. The fewer people that notice me, the better. Of course, things were how they would always be here. I was always going to be treated this way, no matter what. 

I hid my face, so the bystanders didn't notice my tears; I can't wait for the day I could leave this place. I hate everyone here, and I'm tired of being treated like this. High School is a social nightmare! I would've rather been homeschooled. 

Suddenly, the most amazing thing happened during my loathing state, a hand appeared. Someone's hand came down to my papers. I looked up at the person in shock; the tears I attempted to hide threatened to spill over and run down my face. Was someone helping me? Could it be that someone cared? It must be a person who was finally tired of the poor Deaf girl getting bullied. The boy that was helping me didn't say a word. When all of the mess was cleaned up, and people continued with their lives of ignoring me, this boy didn't. He stayed there, just looking at me. It wasn't weird; it just made me feel self-conscious about... I don't know, my face. I was going to demand that he stop, but something about it felt right. Almost like I knew that even if I asked, he'd keep doing it. I grinned at the thought, completely forgetting that we hadn't exchanged words yet.

It was just how his beautiful brown eyes stared at me as if he could see into my soul. I guess it would only be creepy if he weren't so attractive. God, is the man a heartthrob or what? I observed him head to toe, the same way he did me. He had a fresh haircut; the clean lines along his forehead and sideburns indicate that. He has dark red hair with a tamper at the sides, and his face is clean and clear, something very unusual for High School boys. His face also looks cleanly shaven. It seems like this man abides by the school dress code. His clothing style is casual and modest, but with a bit of flashiness in it given that his jacket, shirt, and pants all appear normal; he has a limited edition-- at least $500-- pair of shoes on. He had some large feet too...

I laughed at myself. Oh God, why? Why would I think that? I decided to get our stare-down over and offered the mystery man a smile. He returned it. Oh God, even his smile makes my knees wobble. I pulled my phone out to type out "thank you." I didn't know what else to do. The staring needed to stop.

Even then, I couldn't stop myself from blushing at this man. Something about him seemed so familiar, yet I couldn't recall ever seeing him. Ever. I looked down at my phone to enter my password when his hand covered my screen. Oh wow, he has large hands too...

 I looked at him, confused. I was ready to bite his hand off, especially since I hate people touching my phone, but what he did next changed my life because I had been alone for the last 17 years. Only comforted by my thoughts and memories of friendships. But now, I was given a chance to find new memories. 

He brought his hand away from my phone and pulled them back towards his body. He then placed his right palm in the center of his chest and constructed a sentence so elegantly in ASL I almost screamed.

"Hi, my name is Michael." He said. Michael, I thought.

I smiled at him. Hey, maybe life was going to be getting better for me.

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