19- call

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Everything was calm in the house for once, the prank war had died down and we hadn't been haunted yet

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Everything was calm in the house for once, the prank war had died down and we hadn't been haunted yet. I sat yet because I know something is going to happen but I want to put it off as much as I can and enjoy my life before it does.

One of the things I am planning to do before my life crumbles is go out with my perfect boyfriend. Corey just got back into town and everyone else was planning on going out so we wanted to take advantage of the time we have free, Colby and I have never actually been on a real date, it had started to become colder outside because it was nearly Christmas. I'm sorry but whoever doesn't agree that Christmas is the best holiday is wrong.

I decided to text Sam to ask what he thought Colby would want to do for a date,


Heyyy Sam I want to surprise Colbs with a date I was thinking a walk through the lights but idk

As long as he's with you I don't think he would mind to be fair Chlo🤣

Shhh ur gonna make me blush

The boy's whipped🤣
Oh also I need your advice on Kats present lol

Sure I'll come see it later

I found a perfect area in LA with Christmas lights already hung. It was nearly the end of November so I'm not really surprised. It was only like 10am so I knew Colby wouldn't be up yet.

I decided on making breakfast/lunch for the house, I made a mental count of who was here in my head,

Me, Colby, Sam, Devyn, Corey, Kat, Elton, Aaron

Oh god why do we have so many roommates, I decided on making pancakes, I can make many at a time so it would take a lot of time.

I had finished plating them up when I heard Corey shout something along the lines of,
"I smell pancakes wait for me!" From the games room, I laughed quietly to myself as I put mine and Colbys on a plate.

I knew everyone was probably editing and had headphones on so I didn't bother shouting up, I just messaged that I made pancakes on the groupchat. I heard running coming from upstairs so I'm guessing people got the message.

Elton was the first in the kitchen,
"Thanks Chloe, at least one of us can cook in this house" Corey gasped from the other side of the room,
"Hey! I made toast the other day" we all laughed as we looked at the hand on his heart in fake hurt,
"You burnt the toast Corey" I shook my head as I left the kitchen, hearing him shouting replies to me as I went.

I pushed the door open with my foot, Colby was sat up in bed just watching his phone,
"I made pancakes if you want any Colbs" I placed the plates on the drawer by my bed. Auggie was immediately up and smelling around them, I grabbed his treats from under my bed, he sat for me and gave me his paw.

"Colby clear your schedule for tonight" he turned to me in confusion,
"Can I ask why?" I shook my head as I sat down on the bed, he pouted at me and grabbed my hands, his hands went to my waist and started tickling me, I gave a little squeal as I tried to pull away,
"Colby stop! Please" I tried sitting up, only to be pulled into a hug as he placed his head in the crook of my neck.

I was being really secretive with Colby the whole day and I could tell it was annoying him. He kept asking me questions about tonight and instead of replying I would just walk off.

I was in the bathroom plaiting my hair, I heard my bedroom door shut so I just thought Colby was coming to get something,
"Colby?" I called out getting no response, I let my hair fall loosely as I walked into the main part of my room, my window wasn't open so it wasn't the wind.

I just shrugged it off and walked back into the bathroom, my phone started ringing from my bedside table, I picked it up to see no caller ID. I declined the call quickly but it kept ringing again and again. I picked it up in the end,
"Hello?" I heard light breathing on the other side and a little cough, it sounded like a child's cough, I breathed slightly before answering again,
"Hello? Who's there?" I heard a kids hello. I nearly dropped my phone, it was so quiet that I nearly didn't hear it,
"Who are you little guy?" My phone kept glitching,
"Tommy" my eyes widened in surprise, I was talking to a dead kid,
"Wait like my Tommy?" I head a little hum as an answer,
"Lonely" my heart broke a little, it was nearly Christmas and he couldn't spend it with anyone.

My phone shocked my hand causing me to drop it, I immediately picked it up again but my phone was dead, I sat down to breathe for a second, I really just spoke to a ghost or spirit or whatever he is. I'm not entirely sure.

I decided not to tell Colby or anyone in the house, they would think I'm even more crazy than they already do, and I don't really want that. Whenever speaking about haunted things or ghost they always go careful around me and it's super annoying, I get it, I'm probably going to be haunted for the rest of my life but no need to rub it in.

I heard someone coming up the stairs so I went back in my bathroom to finish my hair, I heard a knock on my door and this time it actually was Colby,
"Baby can you tell me what we are doing now, I have waited all day!" He groaned as he flopped onto my bed, I looked in the mirror to check I was okay before walking back in my room.

"Nope, just be ready for 7pm tonight and I'm bringing my car becuase it's a surprise" I hugged him as he looked at my hair,
"Your hair looks good" I smiled before looking at him,
"Thank you, I grew it myself" he laughed before pushing me off,
"I meant the hairstyle but sure" I rolled my eyes as I stood up.

Being with Colby made me realise that I need to make the most of my normal life before it becomes manic. And the first step to that is going on an amazing date and surprising my boyfriend.

sorry guys, I know I haven't been that frequent in updating but school started back so I've just been stressed aha. But here you goooo!

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