Chapter 21: Malfoy's gone

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The group made their way from the dungeons, up a long flight of stairs to a long corridor. The manor's black walls and tall ceilings brought back memories that Hermione tried to push away. There must have been a look on her face because Draco took her hand and squeezed it reassuringly. 

They walked for what seemed like forever until they finally reached a large room. One that Hermione recognized right away. It was the room that she had been tortured in by Bellatrix and it was the room where her dream had taken place. She quickly sucked in air as Harry came up and put his arm around her and whispered "It's alright 'Mione. She's not here." Hermione's body relaxed slightly. 

"Wow, Draco, this place is huge." Ginny whispered. 

Draco frowned and said "It's a little too big. Doesn't feel like much of a home. It gets really cold in the winter as well. Too drafty." 

As they were walking, they heard voices coming from outside the doors at the far end of the room. Draco pinned Hermione behind his arm, against the wall and everyone else followed suit. 

"It's just a matter of time before they show up." Lucius' voice floated through the room. 

"Well, Lucius, why are we waiting to kill him again? He's of no use to us." Thomas responded. 

The doors opened and three Death Eaters walked out. Blaise's brow furrowed as he saw his brother trailing behind the other two. 

"We can't kill him now because he's not the one we want, Thomas. We want Draco and the mudblood, not the others." Benjamin said coldly. 

"We also want Potter. Oh what a marvelous day it will be when we can finally get rid of him. He's not the boy who lived... he's the boy who just won't die." Lucius said, chuckling to himself as if what he said was the most hysterical thing on earth. 

"Well if the Dark Lord couldn't kill him, what makes you so sure that we can?" Thomas asked. 

"Thomas, you really are stupid. There's a reason you weren't part of the Dark Lord's inner circle. He couldn't kill him because the Elder Wand can't kill its own master. Potter was the rightful owner of the Elder Wand, so it meant that the Dark Lord only killed the part of himself that resided in Harry. Now that part of him is gone, he can rightfully die." Lucius said. 

Benjamin laughed at Thomas' stupidity and Thomas just scowled. As they walked closer to the group in the shadows, they raised their wands to produce light. Suddenly all their wands flew from their hands as Harry stepped out of the shadows yelling "EXPELLIARMUS!" 

Harry quickly picked up all three Death Eater's wands from the ground as Ginny hissed "Harry what are you doing?!" 

Harry ignored her and stood, staring down Benjamin, Lucius and Thomas. 

Lucius let out a laugh and said "Ah, Potter, how lovely to see you. I see you came alone... how stupid. You're just where I want you." 

Harry looked confused for a moment as Lucius pulled out a second wand, grinning evilly. 

He raised the wand and pointed it at Harry saying "This will be easier than I thought." Suddenly the wand flew out of his hand as Draco stepped out to stand next to Harry and yelled "EXPELLIARMUS!" Draco caught the wand easily and turned to Neville and said "Longbottom, I assume this is yours." 

Neville stepped out and took the wand from Draco's hand saying "Thanks, Malfoy." 

The three Death Eaters looked at the three boys standing in front of them and Lucius said "Ah, Draco... again, you've made the wrong choice. You have the Mark, why not join us." Lucius pulled up his sleeve, revealing his Dark Mark. Benjamin and Thomas did the same. 

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