Marcus runs away

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Everyday Marcus lives through hell. Ever since he came out as emo, his parents have started to neglect him. "Nobody understands me..." Marcus sighed to himself. Suddenly, his abusive sister burst through the door. "GET OUT OF HERE YOU UGLY OMEGA" his sister screeched. Marcus jumped out the window, breaking his leg in the process, but still continued to run.

Then Marcus's brothers came running after him and chased him into the woods. But it was hard for him since he had a broken leg and his tight corset plus high top heels. When he finally came to a stop, he realized his heat cycle was kicking In. Quickly he searched for heat suppressants, only to find none. Then some thirsty alpha monkey circled around helpless broken (leg) Marcus.

As if god had (finally) answered his prayers, a flash of grey swung past like Tarzan and knocked all the other monkeys out. The monkey took Marcus from the waist with his tail and they swung and landed into the monkeys personal treehouse. "you alright baby gorl?" The monkey winks seductively. Marcus feels his face burn bright red. "dayum he kind of hot- wait what am I thinking?!?" Marcus accidently thought out loud. "Oh?" The monkey questioned. Marcus subconsciously jumped out the treehouse and sped back to his room that he thought he wouldn't ever miss. Upon entry he was yelled by his family, but little did he know that this alpha monkey followed him back...

The end for now.

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Marcus x Alpha monkey grrrr 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡Where stories live. Discover now