Chapter Fourღ

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Chapter Four

I had never been allowed out of the house after nine or clock. Dad had claimed that it was too dangerous, especially with the kidnappings occurring regularly. I had rolled my eyes but reluctantly agreed, choosing to give my parent peace of mind. I understood now why they had been so worried as I left the wealthy parts of the town I lived in.

The only source of light I had as I walked through the streets of Novosibirsk was a flickering street lamp. It made the snow beneath my boots appear an off amber colour and the shadows of the many alleyways appear more prominent, as if they were going to leap out of me any second. There were rows of tight-knit block apartments either side of me. They all had a rundown appearance as if the weather had worn away at the coloured paint and ceilings.

A man was slumped in a corner, his head down and his face concealed by his coats hood. He was rolling something around in his hands, a cigarette or something. He was shivering, his shoulders jerking uncontrollable as he mumbled Russian words I did not recognise under his breath. I pulled at the straps of my backpack anxiously, not sure if I were willing to gamble my safety by walking past him.

Don't be stupid Nadia. Nothing is going to happen. You can't run away and cry whenever you have to walk past a strange man who is quite possibly insane.

I took my backpack from my back so I could root through it. I finally located a pen, not exactly a weapon, but if it was necessary I could jam it into someone's throat. The thought of it made me want to be sick, but if it came down to protecting myself from harm, I would do it. After putting my bag back on my back I curled my hand into a fist, the nib of my pen poking out in the gap by my thumb.

I walked past the mumbling man quickly, he barely glanced my way and I let out a breath I hadn't realised I had been holding. I rounded the corner, coming towards an alleyway that would lead out to a road. I needed to get to a bus station, then I would book a train ticket to Omsk. I knew my plan was vague, in fact, I had no idea what I would do once I arrived at Omsk, I wouldn't have a lot of money leftover and I would be completely alone - I could go back to England and hope that one of my old friends would take me in. I just needed to get out of Novosibirsk as soon as possible, when my parents found out I was gone, they would send people after me - probably Christian, I didn't doubt for a second that he could track me down like a bloodhound.

"Вы немного сука! вернуться сюда!" A voice bellowed in the distance. I jumped violently at the yelling that seemed to echo around me, it continued, growing closer and more aggressive by the second.

I was running, running so fast I was nearly tripping over myself. My heart was pounding violently in my chest as adrenaline pumped through me. I hallucinated hooded figures with dark coats and silver heels jumping out at me, trying to grab me with their gloved hands. All I could think about were the kidnappings that had been happening, how the girls had vanished without a trace, never to be found again.

I should never have ran away!

I could hear footsteps behind me, fast and agile as they chased after me. I refused to look back, it would only terrify me, cause me to freeze up or fall over. My breathing was ragged but I didn't feel tired, thanks to the crazy amount of adrenal that continued to flow through me. I sprinted down another alleyway and flung myself against the wall, pressing a hand tightly over my mouth as I tried to calm my breathing. I crouched down in the darkness, my eyes fixed on the opening of the alleyway.

The pen was still in my fist and I raised it over my head as if it were a knife. If someone wanted to kidnap me, I wasn't going to make it easy for them.

My heart stopped when a dark figure loomed in the entrance of the alleyway. Their footsteps urgent as they searched the abandoned alley. I knew they had spotted me when they started marching towards me, I flung myself towards them, a loud battle cry escaping my lips as sliced at them viciously, aiming for their neck.

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