"How About A Compromise?"

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A/N: Welcome tot he start of my Oneshots! Glad you could stop by.

All of this is mainly set in the Young Justice Universe. I headcannon that Young Justice Robin came before Teen Titan Robin and that they're connected somehow. Akakakakak.

I recently got thrown back into the DC Fandom again so now here I am since I may or may not have been inspired by another author named Starkvenger who I often times read. Please give them a lot of support! They're a great author!


Summer; Over & Out.


Billy Batson was extremely nervous to say the least.

Ever since the incident with Klarion The Witch Boy and the other sorcerers, who had split the world into two different universes consisting of adults and kids, his closely guarded identity had been revealed to the League. He was really just some 10 year old kid who got his powers at like 8 or 9.

Currently, Billy was just curled up, waiting outside the main meeting room of The Watchtower.

This must be what people who go to court feel like... let's just hope the Jury is nice to me. Billy sighed, his head going into his curled up arms. It felt like legitimate hours until the angered hisses and pissed off yells died down and he heard the doors open.

The orphan looked up, seeing Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman looming over him. The two men held grim, and- in Superman's case- slightly angered, expressions whereas Wonder Woman seemed to hold a more concerned and- was that guilt?!- look to her eyes

Billy immediately stood up, rubbing his arms with his hands,"Uhm... s-so... a-am I being kicked off the League..? I-I can go-" the child was suddenly cut short when Diana put her hand on his shoulder, giving him a warm smile.

"Captain, we were thinking that maybe since none of us can seem to come to an agreement on this..." she trailed off and Superman seemed to come out of his stupor and finished her sentence.

"We were thinking that maybe we should compromise." The older raven said coldly. Billy could tell Superman was hella pissed off about being lied to. The thing was, Billy was never told he had to be a certain age to be hero. I mean look at Robin! He started at nine!

The much-too-small child cleared his throat,"B-Billy.." The two more talkative members of the League seems confused for a moment,"My name is Billy Batson(Clark snorted, Diana smirked and raised an eyebrow, and Bruce's lips ever-so-slightly tilted upwards.). It's nice to formally meet you three... and uh... Wh-what kinda of compromise if you don't mine me asking?" The younger raven tilted his head tot he side, looking at the three offers when another voice suddenly boomed, making the younger flinch.

"We were thinking that Captain Marvel officially moves in with the Young Justice team." Aquaman and a couple per Core League Members were standing in the doorway, making their way to the child.

Superman suddenly spoke up when Billy felt his heartbeat speed up,"Hey, hey! Calm down, kid! Relax. You're not getting kicked off the League. We just thought that you might fit in better with kids more your age. Plus, they need a powerhouse like you, kid. It'd be good for your mental health and such." The older raven put a hesitant hand on Billy's tiny shoulder. Billy really hoped Supes wouldn't notice, but sadly, life had a couple other plans for him.

Superman frowned at the lack of meat on his bones, but luckily, he was interrupted before he could say anything.

"How about we head down there now? I'm sure Wally will be ecstatic to have you!" Flash grinned, his pearly whites seemingly shining in the lighting. His eyes seemed to sparkle behind the cowl.

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