Chapter 3

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Baby, your father is very slow. Its been a week and there is no progress... Haa...

Tuttt! Tut!

Maybe they didn't believe us. Well... we can only depends by ourself. Lets start to escape by tomorrow.

Tut! Tutt!

Amelia had investigate a lot about the zerg, she found out the zerg having difficulties to get pregnant. They had long life span but because they are hard to produce a baby, their species became lesser. Amelia is very confident that the zerg will come and take her away from here and protect the baby on her stomach.

Its very hard to decide cuz she didn't think after giving birth, the zerg will keep her alive. But, from million website she had found one article that said the zerg is actually very gentle. Only because they had big body and fierce shape, all species scared of them.

Because of that article, she found hope and try her first trial to escape by using the father baby. But... Its look like they didn't care and her body is becoming weaker, she had to run away before she lost her strength.

Then what is her next move? She doesn't know. Maybe she will try asking job and work hard to give her baby enough food. Or... maybe.... just hack the body father, the duke, account and stole his money, that sound easier.


Eh, sorry baby. Did I say stole? No baby! Stolen money is not good! Mommy will not steal it, its just... your mommy help your grandpa by taking the money by myself. So that your grandpa will not be tired by meeting us. Grandpa giving your mommy money so that we can buy you a lot lot of food. Cuz your grandpa love you so much. We had to thank him for giving us blessing in this life.


Good baby.

Tutt! Tutt! Tutttt!!!

"Ouch. Baby what happen?"

Suddenly the tightly door was open. Amelia quickly pretend to be paralyze and looks very weak. She doesn't need to pretend weak. She already looks very pity. She is very skinny, there is no meat only bones.

Her face is very pale, her lips is dry. However, because the nurses here always clean her body, she looks neat.

She is wearing a hospital white gown and looking very fragile with her long black hair scatter along the pillow bed.

Amelia was confused, this is not a time for checkup. Furthermore, its weird, she didn't hear any sound of someone entering but she can feel, someone was watching her. Did they realize I was just pretending coma?

Tutt! Tutt! Tuttt!

Baby what's wrong? What are you excited about?

Amelia wanted to peak, but before she could do that, she heard someone talking near her.

"Excuse me human woman. We came to take you away."

Before Amelia wanted to open her eyes and said something, she smell something that make her head blurry and lost conscious.


Fu*k... Did someone just kidnap me? Oh? my body feel much lighter...

Amelia wanted to open her eyes, but she can hear a deep breath not far from her. Someone was watching her. Amelia pretend again to be paralyzed. From the smell and hearing, she knows that she is in different place now.

Amelia need to become alert, she doesn't know whether she is in the hand of good people or bad people. She must investigate carefully...

"I know you had awake." A deep male voice makes Amelia flinch.

Because she had been caught, Amelia slowly open her eyes. At first its was blurry but after blink for several times, Amelia saw someone was seating not far from her. The person has handsome face with strange color of eyes looking at her without blink.

Is he a famous actor? Why so handsome? He is exactly my type that I want to be my one-night stand and get me pregnant! Oh fu*k! Am I drooling?

Amelia lift her hand and wipe her drool, before her eyes wanted to look at the handsome man again, she saw her white skeleton hand has gaining some meat and she realize that she can lift her hand easily without feeling tired and pain.

The handsome man saw Amelia reaction and understand Amelia action. "You had been slept for a week. Our doctors give you enough nutricient for you and the baby."

Amelia smile brightly and look again at the handsome man. "Thank you!"

The handsome man had a poker face, but his strange eyes is looking at her deeply making Amelia blush hard.

When Zion receive and email that claimed he had a baby, he never had hopeful for it to be true. He also didn't believe it fully. But, because their species lack babies, he must take it seriously. He had given the job to Bernd. Bernd had an ability of invincible, so his job is suitable to be a spy.

For that one week, Bernd had given him a report everyday about Amelia. She is the dead girl that supposed to be exchange of peace between Zerg and Human. But, human slander the zerg as the one who killed the girl.

Zion never had thought about the girl, she dead and its not important. But reading the report, a zerg instinct which was very rare to have some feelings, that day he suddenly feel something uncomfortable. Maybe it's a pity? The girl father sacrifice his daughter and gave the dead body for experimental.

Then, human force her weak body to bear a zerg child. Even they were suppose married for the sake of peace, Zion never thought that the weak human girl will be his truly wife. Human are too weak, they never will have compatible thing for making babies.

However, from Bernd investigation, after the dead girl turn alive, her body had an ability to healing fast. Human are genius, don't know how they got his DNA and the girl got pregnant. Even she had healing ability, the human didn't gave her enough nutricient and they took a lot of the girl blood for their research on her ability of healing. The baby zerg are different from human, its hard for their species to get pregnant, and now, its on human body. Zion never thought this girl can survive. 

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