Chapter 5

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Klaus POV

We are all downstairs when we heard Hope y'all from Valerie's room we all got up. "Again." "Yeah well lets go see besides she hasn't been in school either. Said Freya."

We rolled our eyes and walked to the room amd saw it empty. "Hope what's wrong." "She's gone she's left. Said Hope." We saw letters so I started to read it out loud.

"Dear whoever finds it I've had left. I had a terrible week and I needed you and you weren't their you were with Hope. I'm to lazy to write it all so find the tape in the room.
Sincerely Valerie."

We all started to look for the tape then I found it and started to play it. We saw Valerie fixing it she was in sweats and a hoodie. The sun was hitting her so it was making her eyes stick out. We noticed she had a blue and green one and her hair was red.

"Hello Mikelson's or whoever finds it. I was to lazy to write the rest of the letter so I decided to do this. As you all read what I said it's true the day I burnt myself I was just getting home from being kidnapped for a year and you didn't even notice. I watched my best friend get shot infront of my eyes his name was Jackson he knew what it was like here he was the closet thing I had to a sibling so we did everything together."

"I'm her sister. Said Hope." "You all wondering where's Valerie my god." "She has your humor Nik. Said Bexs." "Well I have killed myself I don't know when you will find this tape but it will have been burnt down by now. It's in the woods where me and Jackson always goes. Since this is the last thing you'll see of me here's thing to know about me. I'm a septa-brid your all wondering what's that let me tell you. Its a Vampire Werewolf Witch Siren Angel Demon Goddess of Life mother nature too."

"also when I got kidnapped they gave me powers to so I can fly and something else I won't tell you. I broke my curse when I was 5 I accidently killed someone they were going to kill me. I did my transition alone by myself. I'm a powerful witch you can't resurrect me either I want to stay dead. You were all horrible to me I don't want to be in this family."

"I like to paint sing dance especially dancing in the rain. I never want to see you all again if you resurrect me just do me this one favor I never ask for anything just leave me dead.Also tell Marcel I love him and I'm sorry. Said Valerie."

Then it was over we were all crying we all quickly went to the woods amd saw the building burned down Hayley and Hope were crying on the floor. "She's gone. Said Bexs." We were all crying we went back to the compound. "Freya start doing the spell bring my daughter back to me."

She walked off everyone was crying. I went to her room and saw it completely empty no pictures or decorations at all. The same blanket from when we moved in. "She really didn't ask for anything. Said Hayley." She laid on her bed and started to cry.

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