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Ok. So, Sayomi_Fernandez wanted me to do the next chapter, but I can't, so I'm doing the epilogue.  I am making this at her request. Thank you I guess for reading this and saying it's good. This was supposed to be a one part thing, since I wrote this for a project in Lang. Arts. We were supposed to create a suspence story since it was halloween. So... With no further ado, Epilogue!


The forest gleamed with the unshed tears of pine, birch, and oak. They were mourning the loss of a viewer of nature, who believed they were real. She would come with a stuffed bunny and a child, sit, and just talk to them. She didn't expect an answer, and for good reason. They all fell asleep whenever she talked to them. Her voice was just so soft and the ground covering their roots so warm, that they were lulled to sleep by her stories. She came every day, except for today. It frightened them that they wouldn't be able to talk to their beloved storyteller and assure her they were listening. They would talk to her and she would have a pleasant converstation with her until it was time for her to leave. At least, that was the plan. The bunny came yesterday with tears in his arms and told us of what had happened. She had gone missing after she had retrieved them from their prison. No one could find her, so they proclaimed her dead. They held a funeral for her and everything. They didn't know that she was alive and well with her son and stuffed bunny. She had married a young man with bunny ears, white hair, pink eyes, and glasses. They had a child and used the dead limbs of different trees to create a hut in the forest. Their child went on to continue the generation with a pleasant young lady with sky blue hair and yellow eyes. They died in a car crash with their unborn child sleeping within, unaware of the chaos going on around him. A  young man witnissed all of this and killed women in a rage, leaving them in public as a message to the dead young couple. He went on to have the nickname of "Jack The Ripper" and went missing soon after. His case was never solved and the police are still looking for him to this day. The mother, who was supposedly a demon, had watched all of this from afar, disappointed of the young serial killer. She had witnessed his death and tracked down him as quickly as she could. It was A battle that went on so long and was so large that it destroyed the London Bridge and inspired the song, "London Bridge Is Falling Down". She came out triumphant and went on to do great things before she was murdered in  her sleep by one of her past enemies who learned of her wherabouts. This was their story. They will live on as saviours of the quarters of Europe and two fifths of Asia. 



There is the end of this story. I worked on the details as much as I could and this is what I got. Some history was thrown in there to create a bit of a theory of what happened. She went on to marry Loki! How cool is that?! Well, this is the end of the road my friends. Good-bai!

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