Chapter 48: A Palace of Troubles

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(Harmony's) POV:

While going back the way we came, we soon feel the mountain shake again. This time, a huge Heartless, almost resembling a Chinese dragon, appears. The others and I bring out our weapons, ready to fight. But the Heartless doesn't even bother to fight us. Instead, it flies away, heading somewhere else.

Mulan gasps. "It's heading for the city! We've got to warn Shang!"

"Let's hurry!" I exclaim.

Not wasting any time, the others and I climb down the mountain as fast as we can, hoping to warn everyone before that Heartless reaches the city.

(3rd) POV:

Meanwhile, in the Imperial Palace's throne room, Shang gives his report to the Emperor. "As for the man in black, we are having difficulties in locating him."

"We need to be sure if this man poses a threat to our country or not. Continue searching, and let me know if you discover anything else," the Emperor orders.

Shang bows in respect. "Yes, your Excellency."

"H-halt! Who goes there?! Wah!" a guard exclaims, getting knocked unconscious.

The one who knocked the soldier unconscious turns out to be a man, who is wearing the Organization's black coat. It doesn't take long for Shang and the Emperor to realize that this is the spy in black.

"Who are you?!" Shang questions, unsheathing his sword.

Shang gets knocked down to the ground, just as easily as the first soldier. But the weapon the man used is Soul Eater, the same sword that Riku uses. He makes his sword disappear, then walks up to the emperor. No words are spoken as the emperor looks at the stranger with suspicion.

"Your Majesty!" Shang exclaims, trying to get up.

"Be warned. A Heartless is coming to attack. Prepare to evacuate the citizens," the man says.

Shang's eyes widen, instantly recognizing the name "Heartless", since that is what Harmony and the others called those monsters that Shan Yu used during their last visit.

"Who are you...?" Shang asks, eyeing the man with curiosity.

(Harmony's) POV:

I'm not sure how long it took for us to climb down that mountain, but at least we made it to the city. There's just one problem, however...

"Huh? Everything's fine," says Sora.

"The Heartless was heading for this city, wasn't it?" Nagakura asks, confused.

"Guess we beat it here," says Okita.

"Just because it's not here yet, doesn't mean we shouldn't keep our guard up," Hijikata points out.

"He's right. It could arrive at any moment," Madison says in agreement.

"Well, now..." a familiar voice says. We turn our attention to the source, to see that it is none other than Yao, along with Ling and Chien Po. "Look who decided to show up."

Donald glares at the three of them, angered by Yao's words. "What? Is that a problem?"

"Nah!" Ling exclaims.

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