Part 2

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The rest of the day passed painfully slowly for Y/N. After cleaning herself up she trudged around to her remaining lessons, her mind slightly fuzzy from the bathroom encounter.

But it was 5 minutes till the final bell, and she couldn't wait. Sure, she had detention. But it was with Magdalene, and the only feelings she had towards it were those of excitement. Worn patent brogues impatiently bounced up and down against the carpet as Y/N watched the clock, tapping her pen against the table of her science desk with a quick rhythm.

"Would you cut that out?" Her lab partner hissed. She looked to her side and stared expectantly at the boy glaring at her.

"Jeez, alright." Y/N muttered, dropping the pen as she turned her head back to the clock. 2 minutes.

Images of Magdalene flood her mind as the science teacher droned on in the background. Realistically, this crush was a waste of time. How could she actually pursue this? Magdalene was her teacher, for gods sakes. Nothing would come of it. Well, she would. She would definitely come. Y/N laughed aloud, her chuckle sloppy and lazy.

"Something funny, miss L/N?"

She went to reply sheepishly, but luckily the bell saved her. Grabbing her bag, she hastily pushed through the surging crowds and made her way into corridor B, beelining for B5. Professor Magdalene.

It dawned on Y/N that she had never actually landed herself in detention before. Sure, she wasn't the most well behaved student, but that was more to do with focus - rather than disruption. She pondered over this as she entered the room, knitting her eyebrows a little. Hopefully this wouldn't look too bad on her record.

"Why the frowny face?" Y\N startled, and looked up, finding Magdalene in front of her, arms crossed and raising an eyebrow expectantly. She wore a slight smile of amusement, and-

"Come on. Sit down. And don't look so worried." Her smooth voice cut Y/N's thoughts off, and she nodded quickly, finding a seat.

After dumping her bag, she looked around. At the empty classroom. Surely other people had detention, they were probably just late. Yeah. Spending an hour alone with Magdalene? Jesus.

"Looks like you're the only one tonight." The woman tapped a long nail on her keyboard, and looked up with a smile. "Lucky you."

Lucky Y/N indeed. She couldn't help but trail her eyes towards her collarbone, and felt her tongue lolling in her mouth slightly as she saw the flesh swell and push up against the shirt fabric at the teachers movements.

"Mhm. Wait, sorry- what?" Y/N caught up with the conversation, "Only me?"

"Yeah. Glad you're listening.''

"Right. Sorry. But- Are you sure?"

"Yep. Do you have anything to be getting on with?"

You. Y/N almost moaned internally. This was gonna be difficult.


"Well, you'll have to amuse yourself then. I've got work to do."

Y/N nodded, and slumped her shoulders, getting one more glance at her teachers thin shirt before putting her head down on the table, worried it would be too obvious. Letting her overactive thoughts amuse her, she closed her eyes and imagined all sorts of situations - similar to those she was in - of her and Magdalene. Heavenly.

This must've gone on for a while, because soon she heard the creak of a chair and footsteps coming towards her. They stopped beside the table and she lifted her head as she heard a chair being moved.

To her delight, she came face to face with the muse of her fantasy. Literally. Y/N could almost feel her breath against her head, and felt her cheeks flush with the close proximity.

"Y/N.." She tilted her head, and leaned in closer. Oh god. What the hell was happening?

Y/N nodded, her mind had quickly given up trying to make sense of the situation, and simply sat limp, fuzzing slightly as she inspected her professors well-applied lipstick.

She could almost imagine her lips against her neck, a hand brushing up her thigh, fingertips running small circles into her ample legs. She could almost feel it.

"Y/N." God, it was like her hand was actually on her thigh. It felt real. Feeling a little too real, Y/N glanced down and almost whined as she saw - in broad daylight - Magdalene's hand resting on her thigh.

Holy fuck.

"Y- Yes, Miss?" She spoke through a clenched jaw, scared her voice would break.

"I think we need to have a.. little talk- About what happened in that bathroom stall."


Sorry this was so short, and like nothing happens, but I keep getting comments and messages asking for some kind of update so here you are! Glad you guys are enjoying it, tbh I don't know how long it'll be. I'll update soon, and possibly have a bit more smut in it next time. Thank you for reading! It's mad how many people read the last one. Thank you :)) <3

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