Her Preference

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"I knew that liquor was a bad idea!" Daggerheart groaned and clutched her stomach in pain.

She had been rolling on the bed for almost an hour and Azriel was contemplating whether or not to wake Morrigan up at this hour of the night. His first and only thought on that subject was- No. Don't.

"If you don't tell me the problem, I can't help you." He crouched down next to her as she buried her head in a pillow, most probably to muffle a scream of agony.

" I don't know what can bring my soul back to my body, Azriel. I think it's too late now. Perhaps, this is how I perish." She dramatically let arm drop on her sides and looked at him with empty eyes.

He rolled his eyes, "I don't think you're dying tonight. I'm sure you've had your cycle before."

"I've never been drunk on my cycle before! " she exclaimed and then winced, "Except this one time, but let's not talk about that because I'm going to die and that's not what I want my last words to be." She sniffed back some tears and he tapped her red nose before getting up.

"I told you you're not dying. Do you need something to eat? Or drink?"

She pouted, "A cake?"

"No." He stretched out the "O".

"Why? You just asked me if I wanted anything to eat?" She frowned.

"Nothing sweet. You've been drunk the entire day and that will only make it worse." He shook his head and poured a glass of water. "You want some water?"

"No." She threw a pillow at him which he dodged. He shrugged and took a drink himself.

"What do you want then? Anything spicy?"

She looked him dead in the eye and said, "The only spicy thing in this house is me."

He choked on his water and she snorted. Turning her back towards him, she flicked her hair over her shoulder. "You're so stupid."

"I don't meet a lot of people who talk about dying and then boast about their looks in the same conversation." He sat the glass back down.

"Well, you're in the wrong sort of company." She hummed.

"I'm very happy with my company." He picked her up bridal style and she squealed, "Thank you very much."

"Azriel!" She gasped. "Put me down!"

"I don't think I will." He kicked one of the covers away from where Daggerheart had thrown it during her thrashing session.

"Yes, you will! We've had a talk about what's appropriate and what's not before!" She glared at him and he slid out of his bedroom door.

"Have we?" He gave her a confused look. "I don't seem to recall it."

"What do you mean? Put me down." She whisper yelled and smacked his chest. Then, she groaned in pain again and he stifled a laugh.

"Calm down." You're in pain. I'm only trying to help."

"If Someone saw us-" he climbed down a flight of stairs and cut her off.

"It would be Mor or Cass. They are sleeping." He shushed her as they entered the kitchen and set her down on a counter.

She gave him the same baffled look before he lit a match in the dark and she winced.

"What are you doing? It hurts my eyes!" She covered her face.

"That's what you get for drinking all day." He pointed a finger at her as he slowly lit all the candles.

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