Chapter 64

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Once Felicity got to work on the mainframe, I stepped out and headed to the hotel I was staying at. Ever since I found out about my dad, I didn't want to stay in the same house so I booked a hotel room. Once I got there I sat down on the bed and watched some TV. A knock pulled me out of the digital world. I opened the door to see Oliver standing there.

"Hi. Can we talk?" He asked, smiling.

I stepped aside allowing him to walk in.

"What'd you wanna talk about?" I questioned as Oliver turned to face me.

He stared at me for a few moments.

"Wow, I thought this was gonna be easier to say but now I'm standing here looking at you, and it's-" I cut him off before he could continue.

"Just say what you have to say and go, okay?" I have too much on my mind already. I don't feel like playing guess what Oliver's trying to say.

"Ever since we've been back, we've been doing this dance. We come together, and then one of us pulls away. The Hoods, what we do, causes problems between us. I think we can finally put them away after this."

"What are you trying to say?"

"That you know me better than anyone. And that you are more important to me than anyone. I just hope I didn't wait too long to say it."

This was it. He was finally able to return my love fully. I smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. He easily returned it. It quickly got heated, both of us pulling at each other's clothes. I unbuttoned Oliver's shirt as he ran his hands up mine. He removed his hands to discard his shirt. Our lips never parted. My hands found their way to his hair, threading my finger through it.

"You didn't wait too long." I pulled our lips apart as he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. "You're right on time."

I reconnected our lips, his tongue immediately asking for access to my mouth. I granted it as he carried me to the bed.


Fyers set up a camera facing the uniformed Yao Fei.

"The uniform suits you Yao Fei. Anytime you're ready."

"To the people of China and citizens of the world I make this statement voluntarily taking responsibility for the shooting of Ferris Air flight 637 to protest the People's Republic of China's treatment of me, for betraying and abandoning me to the island of Lian Yu. Consider this my righteous delivery of powerful vengeance." Yao Fei spoke into the camera.

"Thank you." Fyers clicked a button on the camera.

Fyers quickly drew his gun and shot Yao Fei in the head. Screaming was the only thing I could hear. The pained screams from Shado and anger in Oliver's. Slade didn't make a noise, probably already used to seeing loved ones die.

"Sir. The plane is within range." The man sitting at the radio spoke. "The plane's holding steady at 33,000 feet. That's the range for the missile intercept, sir."

"Lock missile one on target."

"Missile one locked on the jet's heat trail."

"Prepare to launch on my mark."

"Yes, sir."

Before I could realise what was happening Oliver was on his feet, and attacked the man at the radio. Shado and Slade followed after. I quickly stood, the world spinned slightly. Oliver cut the binds on us, and all hell broke loose. Everyone was fighting.

"Fire. Fire the missile." Fyers's voice rose above the sounds of fighting.

We quickly cleared the tent of its inhabitants. We ran outside and watched as the missile was launched.


When I awoke Oliver wasn't beside me. He wouldn't have left unless something came up with my father. I quickly gathered my clothing from the floor and headed to the base. When I got there Diggle and Felicity were working on tracking something.

"Where's Ollie?" I asked, walking up to them.

"He went after your dad and won't respond. Felicity's tracing the tracker in his boot." Diggle filled me in.

"Got it. The warehouse on 57th." Felicity said.

I grabbed my hood and left. I entered the warehouse seeing a few armed guards. I shot down the ones that got in my way, and headed to where I heard fighting. I watched as a man aimed his gun at someone, probably Oliver. I quickly shot the man and rounded the corner to see Oliver kneeling on the ground.

"You good?" I asked.


Oliver and I left making it back to base. When we got there it was just Diggle.

"Felicity's at Queen Consolidated. She's still going through the data she pulled off Merlyn's network." Diggle said.

"Did she find anything?" Oliver questioned.

"Yeah. The design schematics of the earthquake generator. So we can shut it down assuming we find it in time."

"We're gonna need help." I said.

I grabbed the phone connected to the one we gave Lance. I dialed the number and within seconds Lance answered.

"Hello, detective."

"It's funny you should call. I got your trusty sidekick sitting right in front of me." Lance answered.

"We don't have a sidekick. When we need help, we call you. Malcolm Meryln plans to level the Glades with a man made earthquake using technology from Unidac Industries."

"What? Well, now you're just trying to have fun with me."

"We don't know what Merlyn's timetable is so you need to evacuate the Glades immediately. Get as many people to safety as you can. Whatever you think of us, detective, please believe this."

After that Oliver went upstairs and I followed a few minutes after. I heard talking and when I peered around the corner I saw Tommy and Oliver.

"Look who it is. My best friend in life." Tommy's voice was clearly upset.

"Hey, buddy."

"I tried to get back with Laurel, but when I got there she ignored all my messages."

"I'm sorry."

"No you're not."

I could see Oliver restraining himself from saying something more. Tommy had the right to know everything, and it would be better coming from me.

"Tommy, something's happening and it involves dad." I stepped forward reaching his side.

"Our fathers." Oliver added. "They aren't the men we thought they were."

"They made a plan to destroy the Glades." I continued.

"Do you have any idea what you two sound like right now?"

"Your father's gonna do it, because he thinks it will avenge your mother's death. The difference between us, Tommy, is that I didn't find out the truth about my father until it was too late. But you've always known, deep down, you have always known the man he is."

"I wish you would have both died on that island." Tommy got closer and I could smell the liquor in his breath.

He was drunk, he didn't mean it. I couldn't let it get to me. There were more important things I needed to focus on.

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Here's the fifth one.~~

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