Hiding Truth

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Author's POV

Y/n was still sleeping while Jungkook was sitting beside her seeing her with so many emotions. 






He himself doesn't know how to feel. Deep down he knew he did wrong by giving her drugs. But he was convincing himself that what he did was better for both of them. He was determined that he won't let a situation like this arise again ever. 

He erased everything from the mansion that could let her know the truth. All the weapons, secret documents, mission documents, each and everything was removed from the house. The dark truth was carefully buried deep down.

He only let Y/n know what he wanted her to know. And all that is like a beautiful dream, that if broken will hurt emotionally. All left was the beautiful lies of the past. She believed that she had a beautiful sweet relationship with Jungkook. Their arranged marriage turned into a love slowly and Jungkook and she had a very sweet and understanding bond. All lies. 

Even if it's not completely a lie still it was not the complete truth also. What Jungkook told Y/n was also true but to a certain extent.

He hid that he was a mafia.
He hid that he forcefully married her.
He hid that they hated each other in the beginning.
He hid the pain he gave her.
He hid that it was not his love towards her but his obsession, desire, need and want.
He hid that he loved her madly but after doing a sinful mistake.
He hid what they have gone through to make their love deeper and their relationship stronger.
He hid the pain, the love you both shared together.

The whole truth was twisted. The truth that remained was his love, pure love. His dedication and his care. And to protect this truth he hid those things. The love you share is his reason to live and he will do anything to protect it.

Jungkook saw you were slowly opening your eyes. You opened your eye and blinked few times to adjust to the light. You held your head as it was slightly aching. Jungkook helped you in sitting properly.

Y/n : Argh my head.
JK : Relax baby girl. Are you feeling better now?

You nodded. You looked around the room and then Jungkook. You tried to recall a recent past event but failed you couldn't remember anything. 

Y/n : I...What I am doing here?
JK : You fainted in the library.
Y/n : I fainted? I don't remember anything......
JK : Don't stress yourself. The doctor said you need rest, you are weak now. 
Y/n : Bu-
JK : Sshh. Forget it. From now on I myself will take care of you.
Y/n : You literally treat me as a baby. Now, what more will you do?
JK : This.
He pecked your lips, turning you red from blushing.
JK : I will give you my full attention. The doctor said my love is never enough for you. 

You chuckled at his statement.

JK : Well.....Do you want to meet someone?
Y/n : Who?

Jungkook called a maid. He told the maid to send them up to the room. The maid went and in a few minutes, you heard a knock at the room door.

J Hope : Can we come in.....
JK : Of course Hyung.

You saw six extremely handsome and hot men standing before you. You stared at them and then back at Jungkook with questioning eyes. 

JK : They are my brothers. You have met them before. But since you don't remember they'll introduce themselves. 

The time passed as you talked with them. Even if you don't remember them but still you felt you know them for a long time. You didn't felt uncomfortable instead you felt happy and light. They looked intimidating but that was very sweet. 

[Time Skip]

Jungkook came downstairs and saw Mrs. Jung.

Mrs. Jung : Is she fine now?
JK : Yeah.....she is talking with Suzan now.

Mrs. Jung : I see. How many more times will you drug her?

Mrs. Jung's question made Jungkook taken aback. 

JK : Huh? What are you saying-
Mrs. Jung : Don't pretend. Mr. Seokjin told me everything. She is already mentally disturbed because of memories and past fears. And now you are playing with her health by drugging her. You said you won't repeat your mistakes. You won't hurt her again. But you again did it. You did it again. 

Jungkook didn't say anything. What can he even say? He promised himself that he won't hurt you again. The mistakes he did in past won't repeat. But now he drugged you. Was it really for you both? Or he was scared of the truth coming out. He used his love as a shield to not lose you. Was it wrong? He didn't know the answers.

 He just knows that he can't lose you again. Not now, when you will not understand him and you don't remember your feelings towards him. When you are only staying with him as his wife. He doesn't even know that if you ever loved him. You never said to him "I love you" neither then nor now. 

Only he knows how much it hurts him. The only thing that keeps him happy is that you are staying with him and accepting being his wife, his love. He can't lose that too. You never denied him from showing his love. You never stopped him from showing you his affection, those kisses, hugs, some sweet gestures. That all keeps his mind sane. 

Mrs. Jung : This is the first and last time this happened. I expect it won't repeat again.

Jungkook just nodded and went from there.

[Time Skip]

You were finding Jungkook but he was nowhere to be seen. But finally, Mrs. Jung told you that he is in his personal training room. You came downstairs and entered the room. The room was filled with gym and training equipment. 

You went inside and saw Jungkook training himself some combat skills. You sensed he is tensed and frustrated. As he was absent-minded and was training hard and bit angrily.

Well, Jungkook came here to clear his mind. He was indeed frustrated. He was angry with himself. So he was taking out his anger by training.

You went near him not too close and about to call him. But before you do, as he was training, his hand was about to accidentally hit you, but you blocked it. His eyes widen as he saw you.

JK : Y/n? Shit. Babe are you fine? Did I hurt you anywhere? I am so sorry. Tell me.
He said checking you if you are hurt anywhere.
Y/n : Calm down Jungkook. I am fine. It didn't hurt anywhere. You saw I blocked your hand before it could hit me.
JK : I am sorry. I didn't see you. 
Y/n : It's ok. But why were you practicing so hard? Are you upset?
JK : No. It just works stress. Don't worry. I see you are trained quite well. That day you beat one of my men. Now even blocked my hand. 
Y/n : I don't know. But I am just able to do it. I don't know if I am trained. I don't remember it.

Jungkook chuckled as he remembered the time when he used to train you. The way you whine when you get tired. The way you would check out him and he would tease you. 
JK : You were trained. I myself trained you.
Y/n : Really? 
JK : Yes. Let's do it again. I will train you again. 

[Time Skip]

You both sat as you both were a bit tired. Jungkook noticed this time you were not tired or you whined.

He thought you are changed, but no you are still the same Y/n he knows. You did change but for the better, you became brighter and courageous. But still, however, you were, you were his Y/n. He loved everything about you whether then or now. Jungkook noticed you still get shy of him, your heart is still pure, and you're still naive and innocent. You will always be the same in his eyes.
He will always cherish you.

Hey Guys I hope you like the story.
Write your views in the comments, I really appreciate it.


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