Chapter 7: Ice Cream Parlor

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Andreas had been sitting in the car for the last hour. Reuben, a fellow Specialist, was in the passenger seat beside him, chewing a bubble gum that must already be so stale it might as well be rubber. Both of them watched the street even though it wasn't at all within view of the ice cream parlor, tucked away in the next corner from the shop but near enough for it to matter. They've sent in two operatives just thirty minutes ago, who have sent back a picture of the woman. She had significantly shorter hair and, for some reason, tattoos and scars on her arm, but it was her, the witch.

He had to wonder if, had he known about the tattoos which she must have hidden somehow when he met her, finding her would be easier. After going back to the cabin and rummaging through every inch of that place, they didn't find a single name. She had no IDs, no bills, no transactions to speak of, absolutely zero trail to follow. Some people in the nearest town seemed to know of her but could give no information other than a name, Maja, which was easily shed. No one knew if she had friends, acquaintances, let alone an idea where she'd go. They couldn't even tell what she did for a living.

So, they turned to Ben Harvey. It was amazing what the fairy could do once prodded. He managed what they couldn't and all it took was a broken bottle. Now, they had her. All they needed was the right timing.

"Let me see that picture again?" Reuben said.

"Why?" Andreas asked even though he knew the answer.

"Just wanted to make sure I recognize her."

It wasn't the reason, but he gave him his phone with the woman's picture in it.

"Damn," Reuben said a second time. The first time was a little more dramatic, which he followed with a series of flagrant descriptions of what he would like to do to a woman like that. So, Andreas was glad it was just a small 'damn' this time. "Are you sure that's her?"


He whistled. "So that's a blood witch."

Andreas took his phone from the man's hand. Something about the label just rubbed him wrong. Maybe it was the reminder of what he let happen sixteen years ago, maybe he just didn't like the sound.

"Why do you think Rosalind wants her?" Reuben asked next.

Andreas just shrugged.

"She's all 'blood witches break the basic tenets of magic' and 'only fairies can have magic', then suddenly she pulls out all resources just to find this woman."

It troubled Andreas too. But he had known the old fairy long enough not to bother asking. The woman had a way of telling complete lies even while not saying a single falsehood. It was a particular specialty, that and playing the long game. And while she may be ruthless in her methods, she always had good reasons for them, at least he trusted that she did. This time should be no different.

"Maybe she's planning to kill her." Reuben said. "Would she do something like that? Outright murder?"

Andreas almost laughed. If only he knew what Rosalind was capable of. But he only kept his mouth shut.

Not discouraged from his lack of response, Reuben went on, "You must be worried about your old buddy Saul. Your kid probably doesn't stop talking about him, especially now he thinks he's dead. I heard he basically calls him dad."

"Would you shu—" Andreas's phone beeped at that moment as another message came in.

It was another picture, though this time, it wasn't just of the woman. She was now speaking to someone. And that someone looked unmistakably like Saul.

He straightened up in his seat, Reuben noticing immediately, prompting him with a "What is it?" to which Andreas' only response was to show him the photo.

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