1 - Pillow Fight

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Hey guys! This is just one of many warnette one shots I've written and idk if anyone will find this entertaining but here ya go. This is just a result of my lonely thoughts overtaking me at 3 am lol. Also there are themes in this that are a bit sexual so I wouldn't recommend this for anyone super young. If you're into it though, great! Keep reading. In this particular one, nothing gets too graphic but it might in later stories. Anyway, I'll stop talking now. Please enjoy:)


"Love?" I hear Aaron call my name from the other room but I don't respond because I don't want him to come in here. I'm changing into my pajamas but for some reason, I'm still embarrassed at the thought of him seeing me naked. He always tells me I'm beautiful, but I'm tentative to believe him. I know he hates it when I'm not confident in myself. I still don't know how he has so much faith in me, but I love him for it.

He's my love, my life, my other half. I honestly would be no one without him.

The door is slightly cracked as I'm changing out of my dirty clothes, and even though I didn't respond to him, I manage to hear a barely audible noise as Aaron carefully slides the door open. I know he's there but he doesn't say anything. I have my back to him wearing no bra and I'm in the middle of sliding my shorts off, leaving me standing in only my underwear. He thinks I don't know he's there, which makes this situation so much more amusing. Certain scandalous thoughts enter my mind as I contemplate messing with him a bit.

I hook my fingers along the elastic of my panties and I ever so slowly slide them down my thighs, making sure to be as dramatic as possible and take my time with it. Once I step out of my underwear, I play with my hair a bit, letting the ponytail out and allowing the long, dark waves to fall around my waist.

I hear a quiet, subtle intake of breath and I take it that he watched that entire show. I can't help but grin at the thought of what I'm doing to him. Then I sense that he leaves. A few moments later, I hear "Love, where are you?" that sounds like it's coming from the other room. I realize he must've left and called my name again to cover up the fact that he was watching me change. This only provokes me more and I really want to tease him this time.

"I'm in our room, Aaron. I just have to change and then I'll be right out," I shout back. I know that'll get him to come back. And sure enough, I see the tiniest shadow move out of the corner of my eye when he reappears, still oblivious to the fact that I know he's there.

I'm still completely naked, and I reach for a bottle of lotion to rub on my body when I purposefully drop it right through a crack above the bed. I bend down to retrieve the bottle, getting down on all fours and sticking my backside high up in the air, fully aware that he can see every inch of my womanhood. I stay like that for a while just to make sure he gets a good view, still pretending to search for the lotion I "accidentally" dropped. Once I retrieve the lotion, I start applying it all over my body.

Still making sure to have my back turned to him, I first put the lotion all over my stomach and then work my way down and around, eventually lathering my butt cheeks with the moisture. Then I put some on my breasts and work my way up to my neck and down to my back, but stop when I realize I can't reach my back. After some struggle, I finally just give up. Then, I hear-

"I can help you with that, beautiful."

I whip my head around and gasp loudly, pretending to act surprised. I know he can probably sense that I'm faking it, but I realize that his emotions are most likely too in the way for him to tell what I'm feeling.

He's leaning against the doorframe smirking with his ankles and arms crossed, sleeves pushed up to his elbows, his gaze locked in mine, and I watch as his eyes draw a map down my entire body. Even though I had known he was watching me the whole time, I still can't help but blush through my hairline as he drinks me in, clearly enjoying what he's seeing.

I don't know why, but I immediately reach for a pillow on the bed and poorly attempt to cover my exposed body. I'm still so flustered from the intensity of his flaming green eyes that I forget to act upset.

God. Every time.

"I think I can get it on my own, but thank you Aaron," I say, and offer him a nervous smile as I look down at the pillow and up at him again.

He looks disappointed. "Why not? And why do you still cover yourself with that stupid pillow every time I walk in on you undressed?" At this he walks over to me, bends down and tries to grab the pillow out of my arms but I clutch it tighter.

"Aaron, what are you doing!" I giggle as I stand up and run into the next room, still holding the pillow tight against the form of my figure. He follows me and I try to get away from him but he manages to back me into a corner. My heart is beating so fast and I feel a rush of an emotion mixed with fear and lust as Aaron comes closer and closer, his eyes now blazing wicked.

I eventually throw the pillow at him to try to give myself a chance to run, but he catches it effortlessly and tosses it to the side. He laughs and I scream as I realize what I've just done. I'm now completely naked and vulnerable in front of him with nowhere to run.

"You're a terrible thrower," he teases as his hands slip around my bare waist. He backs me up further so that I'm pinned against the wall, and he explores all the curves on my body, sliding his hands from my waist down to my hips and then around to my butt. I'm trying not to look at him but he tips my chin up to meet his eyes, and I can only stare and wait as his naughty expression taunts me.

"Don't think I didn't realize what you were trying to do back there, love," he says but he's staring at my mouth and I think I might be sweating and then-

He roughly cups my backside and I accidentally let out a squeal in surprise. That only causes him to widen the smirk on his face and I suddenly feel annoyed at him that he won. "God, the things I want to do to you," he whispers into my ear, continuing to feel the softness of my body with one hand and running his other hand through my brown locks.

Then, he picks me up and slings me over his shoulder so that I'm looking at the floor. "Aaron! What the hell- you- you- put me down!" I plead as I throw punches at his back. I'm helpless, though – he's so much stronger than me.

He just laughs as I flail my limbs in an attempt to free myself from his grasp. Before I know it, he sets me down on our bed, the cool, silky sensation of the sheets seeping into my skin. I'm so fake-mad that I grab another pillow and throw it at him, and this time it actually hits him in the torso.

He looks at me like I've just committed a crime, and he reaches for the same pillow I just threw at him. He tries to throw it back but I duck, dodging the hit. I tease him about his failed throw as I scramble off the bed, and suddenly we're throwing pillows back and forth at each other. I can't control my laughter as I continuously get hit by pillows, feathers flying everywhere, and I make another attempt at a swift getaway.

He reacts too quickly. Before I can get away, he rushes forward and takes my arms, pushing me up against the door. I only have a split-second to process his boyish, loving gaze before he's kissing me and I completely melt into his arms. I let out a desperate moan as he nudges his way into my mouth, always wanting more and never getting enough. He picks me up again and this time I wrap my legs around his hips.

He's kissing me like oxygen is running out in the world and he's choosing to waste every last breath on my lips. He walks over and gently sets me at the edge of the bed, and I wrap my arms around his neck as he leans in to embrace me.

I never get tired of the taste of him. Sweet and cool like peppermint. We both eventually pull back, our chests heaving, and he presses his nose to mine.

"I love you, Ella," he whispers.

I cup one hand around his cheek. "You are my everything," I say, and wrap my arms around him like I'm never letting go.

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think and dm me if you have any ideas for warnette stories:)

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