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Marinette spent the day helping out her parents in the bakery. Luckily she still remembered all the recipes and how to work the register. And her parents were thrilled that she seemed to be her normal, happy self again. Then after dinner she took a shower and went out to her balcony to wait for Chat Noir.

As soon as he arrived she jumped into his arms and gave him a big hug. After the embrace, they immediately started kissing.

And just like before, they spent a lot of the visit with their lips locked on each other. They did take a few breaks to talk and to watch the sunset, but then they carried on with their task a little more.

It wasn't until Marinette started shivering from the cold that they stopped.

"You should go inside and get to bed," Chat Noir told her.

"Come with me," she insisted, not removing her arms from their place around his neck.

He shook his head. "I shouldn't."

"Yes, you should," Marinette whispered. She leaned in and gave him light kisses all around his mask. "Please Kitty."

He groaned slightly. "You need to stop doing that to me."

"Doing what?" she asked innocently.

"Calling me 'Kitty.' You know I can't resist you when you call me that."

"I know, that's why I keep doing it," she teased before giving him a chaste kiss on the lips. "And it works so well."

Chat Noir stared into her eyes. He couldn't believe how happy he was there with her. And his thoughts transferred to his face as a loving smile gave his answer for him.


The next day was pretty much the same. Except for the akuma attack in the early afternoon.

This time the villain was named Comic-Man, and he was determined to turn everyone in Paris into comic book characters.

"Where does Shadow Moth come up with these ideas?" Ladybug asked Chat Noir after their celebratory fist bump.

"Who knows," he replied. "He seriously needs to find another hobby though."

"Right?" Ladybug chuckled. Then she smiled coyly at him. "Do you want to come over?"

"I don't know if I should," he sighed. "I still have some schoolwork to finish up before tomorrow."

"Are you really going to make me say it?" she teased.

"Oh no, anything but that!"

A big smile. "Please Kitty?"

He groaned.

"Oh my sweet Kitty, I can't survive without you," she continued, trying her best to torture him.

"Uh fine," he said, only pretending to be mad at her.

She clapped her hands together. "Yay!"

"You think that you're so clawver, don't you M'lady?" Chat Noir asked as he grabbed his baton to leave.

"Purrhaps," she replied, rolling her tongue on the R sound.

And suddenly Chat Noir froze at hearing her say a pun. "Marry me," he whispered breathlessly.

"What?" she replied, genuinely not hearing what he said.

"What?" he asked back in a panic. His face blushed furiously and he put his hand to the back of his head.

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