The Night

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Muted light pollution from the city outside gave Kaya's room an eerie glow. She should have said no to this. Should have refused to stay in the hotel for the night. Ransom had never experienced her night terrors. What if they repelled him?

Red and blue flashed across the ceiling as somewhere far below a police cruiser sailed by. 

Kaya rolled over to face the far wall. She wanted to sleep. She wanted to rest. But if she slept, what would happen? 

Sadly, thinking so hard only made Kaya fall asleep that much faster. 

The dreams started innocently enough. A replay of events that led up to the gala. The feeling of Ransom's arm around her waist. 

Then he was gone and only the fear remained. 

Richard's voice, low and menacing. The feeling of fingers crushing her windpipe. Kaya tried to scream, but could only cry out weakly as her feet left the ground. 

"Kaya! Wake up now." 

Kaya's eyes flew open. Ransom's face hovered above her, concern etched in his brow and rolling through his gaze. 


"Shh, my love. It's just a nightmare." Ransom's thumbs stroked where his hands gripped Kaya's shoulders. Kaya imagined he must have shook her to wake her up. 

On impulse, Kaya shoved his hands away and threw her arms around his neck. For the first time in a long time, she had an anchor when she most needed it. Kaya clung to Ransom in order to ground herself back to reality. 

Ransom raised a hand to stroke the back of Kaya's head. "Was it very bad?" 

Kaya nodded, unable to process words. 

"Was it him?" 

Another nod, this one slower. 

Ransom's other arm wrapped around her back and held her close. "He can't get to you now. You're safe here. With me." 

Kaya clung tighter as her brain began to work again. "How did you know?"

"About your nightmare?" 

One last nod, this one because she didn't dare admit it out loud. 

Ransom gently extracted her arms from around his neck. His hands went to her cheeks, his thumbs stroking beneath her eyes. "I could hear you crying." 

"I'm sorry." 

"Why are you sorry?" 

Kaya shrugged. Her nightmares had always been a detriment. She had attended only one sleepover during high-school. After that, no one bothered to invite the shy, quiet girl with horrendous dreams anymore. 

Ransom tilted Kaya's face up and pressed a kiss to each cheek where her tears had dried. "You don't have to be sorry for what you've gone through. Trauma naturally breeds nightmares. We'll walk through this to your healing together." 

"We will?" 

No one had ever offered to stick around before. No one had bothered to remind Kaya that the nightmares weren't her fault. That she couldn't control them. 

Kaya managed a half-smile. "Thank you, Ransom." 

"Lay down. I'll stay until you're asleep." 

How did Ransom manage to be so infinitely gentle when it came to dealing with her? Didn't he get tired of it? Why did he treat her with such care and kindness when he should be telling her to get over it?

Ransom tucked Kaya under the covers and removed her hair from her face. "Sleep well." 

Kaya stared at him for a long moment before she closed her eyes and let herself relax. With Ransom taking care of her, she had nothing to worry about. She knew that for certain.

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