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I write things because there really isn't any other way to express it. I can't speak it to someone because I don't have the words to explain it. and sometimes it is only the paper and pen that fully understand what i have to say. 

The other poets know what I mean. They know how poetry is the only language we can use to speak what cannot be spoken. to write what cannot be said. 

They understand. That is why we are poets.

We use the words to draw the clenching of our hearts. Sometimes we can read between the letters and feel what the poet felt. Because life touched us in the same place. We too have wrote about it and our pages are blotted with tear drops. 

Life creates poetry inside the poet. We are the writers of the heart. We are the words of the soul. 

Musicians are the poets of sound. The use the breath of the air to match their life but we poets cannot sing we have no breath beneath our fingers...only words. So we write, we read, and we understand. 

ThoughtsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora