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"EHHHH?!" Why would we kill you Naruto?" Kiva asked, completely surprised by the question he was asking. Naruto knew he would come clean soon since they were getting further and further into his little mask that he has been slipping up on his real personality for sometime, Naruto sat up completely, leaning on the tree for support so he wouldn't fall over. His eyes were closed entranced with the darkness soon looking up into the starry sky.

"Every year the village has an event, I guess all of you have heard of it besides iruka, Kakashi, Asuma and gai Sensei they probably don't know since it's covered up. It's called the kyuubi hunt." The blonde began, exposing his dark secret he has been keeping in him for sometime, thinking about the the words his lover said.

Kakashi's breathe hitched, leaving it in the back of his throat not wanting to say what he thinks it is, he has a had a bad feeling about this that something has been going behind the scenes but he hopped it wasn't what he was thinking.

"Yh Ino and Sakura were talking about it, she said her parents do this every year and they are going to finally let them join this time." Shikamaru responded folding his arms.

"You know what day it is today... Right?" Naruto asked never making eye contact with his teammates. "Yh? It's October tenth, the hunt is coming up right."
"Do you know when my birthday is, Shikamaru?"Asked Naruto.
"Uhhh... Sorry Naruto I don't know ."
"It's ok I will tell you." But he was beaten to it.
"It's October the tenth." Kakashi said looking down on the floor with a shocked face with clenched fists.

A small emotionless chuckle came out from the blonde, "surprise isn't it, you guessed it right." He said smiling clapping his hands to congratulate them " it's me the dirty kyuubi you all have been waiting to see and to hunt." He said bowing. The way he said it with no emotion and a straight face, everyone's eyes were creeping with tears ready to escape. He didn't look sad at all, he looked happy and entertained at their faces.

"Y-you were the kyuubi.." Shikamaru said bewildered, not wanting to believe what he just heard. "Hmm let me see this has been happening for..." He starts counting on his fingers, " for 9years? Hmm yes definitely 9 years. Everyday on my birthday The villagers and shinobi of all kinds join together and abuse me, mentally, physically, sexually, you name it , Leaving me on the brink of death everytime." Naruto stood their smiling after what he just said. But on the inside he was shaking on remembering the pasts events , the trauma he faced.

The memories were to gruesome and too many to count that he stopped feeling pain for most of them. He kept his composure and his presence seemed to sink into the tree, he used this technique to not get the villagers to notice him so can keep away from the beatings, making his jutsu more stronger eachtime, so he obviously endured a lot. After all those incidents leaving mental and physical that can never be removed. He recalled the incidents vividly in his mind, sometimes he would just activate it if he got any bad memories but if the villagers ever found him he would just accept his fate, let them do whatever they want to him.

Shivering a bit and let out an unstable sigh.
"Look guys I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me or any sympathy, what is done is done and it's my problem to solve at this point like what is the meaning of you guys are going to help now? I've been through so many traumatizing events that there is too many to count but they can't get me since I am out of the village, it's not that I blame any of you. But the  ANBU that were supposed to be watching me jumped in as well and we'll jiji he was supposed to be looking after me but since he is Hokage he is busy most of the time. So tomorrow let me spend my birthday in peace. I don't know if this body can handle anymore pain I don't even think I know what will happen when I get pushed over my limit, hmm well I have a few ideas but I don't have any reason to hold you guys back."

He stood their with an emotionless face, while he was crying on the inside, the blonde jinjuriki stood up and headed to the direction that they came from. Nobody said a word when they came back . They were still absorbing all that information that hit them like a train but sasuke and Kakashi were talking it the hardest, 'all this time this has been happening and I haven't noticed? And what about the promise I made to myself that I was going to keep him safe, WHY WHY.!' he thought as a wave of guilt came over him.
' am supposed to protect him because I am his sensei, I am sorry minato sensei I have failed you. The scars he must have from all of the beatings I could have changed all of this if I watched his movements more carefully and not paid attention to my other students I could have prevented all of this.  '

Shikamaru felt saddened at the speech given by his energetic friend, he was supposed to be the smart one but he couldn't even notice his friend getting abused, he isn't the same energetic blonde he used to be, was that all a cover up?  Either way he asked if he could spend time with the blonde but he always got declined and it was on his birthday as well. He could of  saved Naruto but he couldn't since he didn't know what was going on but he could've changed things and that killed him inside. How far would the villagers go? Just thinking about it just pained him.

How much more us he hiding? They all said in their minds.

Naruto knew what they were thinking. Even though he asked for no one to think about it or to worry about it since it is his problem, Kakashi was probably thinking hard I. Himself and Shikamaru was probably trying to find more information about what I am hiding. Sasuke was probably hurt the most.

'well what should I do?'

'well at least things won't be like they were before, I am glad you told them, kit'

'i ain't thinking about that shit is m thinking about his offer'

'i will say it again, I will support whatever your decision is.'

' who would 've guessed that this big kitsune is a big softie for their kit'.

'shut it'

Hehe sorry guys for making you wait I have been doing my end of year tests so I had to study but here ya go, enjoy readerssss.

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