Chapter 1

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First story, literally have no idea what I'm doing.

The sky was dark, the only thing illuminating it was the stars and moon. The wind was brisk, gently shaking the leaves and brush.

Stepping through the brush was a Man, he wore a cloak that covered his face and had a sword attached to his hip, his name, is Y/n L/n.

Y/n walked what seemed to be aimlessly when something caught his eye. Looking over he sees the shadowy figure of a person leaning up against the tree ahead, completely unresponsive.

When standing in-front of them he could hear them breathing so he knew whoever was in there is alive. Taking off the helmet, his eyes widen when seeing the face of a Woman.

 Taking off the helmet, his eyes widen when seeing the face of a Woman

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Her breaths were quite quick and she was sweating. Y/n placed his hand on her head to feel she had a slight fever. He looked at the armor she's wearing and noticed it's way to much for her body to handle.

Y/n:*Must have passed out from exhaustion. It's no surprise since she's wearing armor two times her actual size.*




It had been sometime since y/n found the girl, maybe a hour or two. Y/n is currently sitting in front of a campfire with the girl laying on the opposite side of the fire.

He then heard her groaning and mumbling. She wakes up, immediately confused and worried about her surroundings.

???: How did I get here....? And where's my armor?

Y/n made his presence known by standing up.

Y/n: You're awake.

He walks over to her but she instantly started backing away in fear, panting frantically.

Y/n: Hey, hey, relax, I'm not going to hurt you.

He held his hands up in a non-threatening way as he slowly kneels down a few feet from her.

Y/n: How are you feeling? You were in pretty bad condition when I found you.

She stared at him with uncertainty and took quick glances at the sword on his hip, worrying if he might use it on her.

Y/n noticed that and draws his sword, making the girl flinch and squeal a little but she'd soon relax when he stabbed it into the ground.

Y/n: Okay, now that we have a clear understanding that I'm not here to harm you. Can you explain to me what a young lady like you is doing all the way out in the woods this time of night wearing armor far to big for her?

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