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The next morning at breakfast, I'm glaring down at my now soggy cereal. Roman never came back last night and I couldn't sleep. I was waiting for him to come back so we could figure out whatever was happening between us, but he never showed.

I know Bailey can sense my frustration and with Roman's absence, I'm sure she can connect the dots. His car was gone from the driveway and hasn't been seen since he stormed out last night. I make a silent huff and remove myself from the stool I was sitting on to clean out my bowl.

I hear the front door open from behind me and don't dare turn around, knowing full well who just slammed the front door behind him.

"Dude," James announces. "Where the hell have you been?"

I'm still turned around but I can just imagine the restraint on his face.

"Doesn't matter," he brushes him off.

It was Lucas' turn to pipe in. "Well you look like shit," he drawls.

"No one gives a fuck Lucas so shut it," he grumbles and that's when I decide to turn around.

I lean against the counter and cross my arms over my chest. Roman makes eye contact with me and it looks as if he's trying to apologize with his expression. His face softens and the tension in his shoulders relaxes.

Lucas throws his hands up in defense. "Just asking," he defends.

I remember Lucas' words about how Roman looked like crap. And he wasn't wrong. The bags under his eyes and the bloodshot expression, makes him look like he stayed up all night doing something he shouldn't have. His black jacket hangs over his shoulders and he leans his hands against the island, trying to catch my gaze. Which is difficult because I have tried to retreat it elsewhere and anywhere but him.

Bailey looks at Roman and then me, then back to Roman. "Hey B," she says looking back at me from Roman. "Why don't you change into your suit. The girls and I are going to tan outside this morning."

I nod and make my way back to the room. I close the door behind me and twist the lock. I'm not about to let Roman in. Either if I am changing or not.

At this point, if he wants to leave? I'll let him. It's not worth my energy to try and figure out a person who doesn't want to reveal themselves. There's so many questions I still have but at the moment, there's no way I'm fighting it out of him. He's got to figure out what he feels for me, I'm not going to force him into feeling something he doesn't.

I threw one of my oversized T shirts over my head after putting on my suit and opened the door, coming face to face with Roman.

I jump, startled. "Jesus Roman!" I exclaim, putting and hand over my chest. "You can't just stand there like that, it's creepy." I say and push past him.

"Brooke," he begins, in a soft voice.

"No Roman," I interrupt, looking back at him. "Whatever it is that you feel for me, you need to know that I don't play games. That might have been the case with others, but not me." I soften my expression. "If you don't want to tell me things, that's okay. I understand, but shutting me out won't help."

He doesn't say anything and I take that as my chance to leave. I waltz back into the living room and out the back door.

Bailey and the other girls are sitting out basking in the sun. Bailey hears me and looks back.

"Hey! Come sit here," she says and pats the towel next to her. I join her and she turns to me. "So what's up with you and Roman?"

I sigh. "I don't know," is all I say.

Her eyebrows knit together. "He's a tough one. But he isn't invincible. You are one of the only few people I can see getting through to him. You already have, even if you don't know it."

I'm confused on what that means but I just nod my head and move my gaze back to the water. The late morning sun hits it just right to where it's peaceful and relaxing. There's not a breath of wind and the water is calm. I lay down on my towel and close my eyes behind my sunglasses, trying my best to clear my mind.

We all lay there in silence for about an hour before the guys barge in.

"Hey!" Bailey exclaims when all the guys make their way outside.

Jasmine groans. "See Bailey? I told you they'd do this."

All the guys except Roman chuckle at the girls' complaints. Keegan walks over to Bailey and crouches down from behind her. He wraps his arms around her shoulders and kisses her cheek. She squirms and giggles. "Our hot girls were sitting out here and you expected us not to interrupt?"

All the guys are shirtless and in swim shorts, which tells me that they are here to swim too. I see both Lucas and James kiss their girl and then race down the dock and into the water.

I laugh at the sight. Keegan pulls Bailey up from beside me and hauls her over his shoulder. She protests but it's no use when Keegan tosses her in and jumps after her.

"Are you going in, Brooke?" Jasmine asks, bumping my shoulder.

I shrug and smile. "Maybe in a little bit, you guys go on ahead," I say and she tugs Persila to follow her into the water.

I realize a second later that it's just me and Roman. I cautiously turn my head around to see Roman, sunglasses over his eyes and leaning back against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. I can tell he isn't looking at me and is looking at the lake. The silence between us is tense.

"You know," Roman announces and I jump. He moves from the wall and takes a spot next to me. Very close next to me. Our shoulders touch and our knees bump. "You are pretty terrifying, Princess," he says with a smirk on his face.

I scoff and roll my eyes. "Yeah sure. Says the guy who doesn't give a crap what people think about them."

He chuckles and shakes his head. "I don't," he states. "You should try it sometime."

I snort.

"You are one of the only people to ever challenge me like that," he says flatly.

Confused, I turn my head toward him. "Like what?"

"Make me rethink what I've done my whole life," he says, his eyes still locked toward the water.

"And that is?" I prompt.

"Speak, think, open myself up without being shot down," he finishes and I'm a little saddened by that.

I frown. "Your dad?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "My mom."

My frown deepens. His dad seems so understanding, kind. "But your dad-"

He cuts me off. "I didn't even know I had a dad until I was 18."

Oh. Well that explains it. I decide not to press for more. "I forgive you. I'm sorry I pushed." I say, apologetically.

He then looks at me, a small smile on his lips. "I'm glad you did."

I smile at him. And he places his hand on my knees that are folded up. His thumb caresses the skin on my knee and I lay my head on his shoulder. The sun warms my skin and Roman's. The peace I feel in this moment is new, unknown, and I'm not sure how to describe it.

I see Bailey waving us over. "Come on lame-o's get in!" She yells from on top of Keegan's shoulders.

I giggle and Roman pulls me into his arms before I can react. "Wait, Roman, no!" I shriek, but laughter fills my voice as he carries us to the edge of the dock.

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