Chapter 38

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I could feel my fight-or-flight instincts kicking in. Should I leave with my friends to escape reality for a few hours? Or stay here and hear more bullshit my parents have been hiding from me for decades? If I know anything, it's that I'm scared. 

As I got to the door, I heard my dad's gentle voice. "Emily, don't. Not yet. I'll tell you whatever you want to know." my dad pleaded. "Please. Your emotions are heightened right now; I can explain." 

"Really, dad? You have literally been lying to me since the day I was born." I replied. "And what about my friends on the other side of this door? I bet they're probably listening to this conversation." 

After a few seconds of silence, I heard a soft knock on the door. "Uh, we're actually gonna go grab some food. We'll be back in a few hours." Scott said. Well, it seems like they were actually listening in this entire time. Fantastic. 

"Well, you hear that? I guess now is the time to talk. Like, were you even planning on ever telling me about this? I'm assuming not."

"We never thought we would have to. You were so... human and we didn't want to ruin that." My mom said. "But that doesn't mean that we don't feel guilty about what happened. What we did to you." This was the most emotional I have seen my mom since Avery left us for the first time. I could see her eyes watering up. 

"'Were'? Are you implying that I'm not anymore?" I asked. I have a lot of questions and I want answers.

My dad let out a sigh as he sat on the couch. "We don't know how effective cure is. I've told you this before. But it is assumed that your senses and emotions have slowly heightened through the years." Great to know that I have been PMSing 24/7 for the past 17 years. Maybe that's why I complain so much. "I do believe that some part of you is still a wolf. It may appear in various ways, but never physically. Essentially, the cure was designed so werewolves couldn't turn anymore."

"We just wanted you to live a more human lifestyle, Emily." My mom said. "But after seeing you make so many friends and connections in Beacon Hills, you have every right to be upset with us." Yeah, no shit I'm upset, mom.  

"I'm sorry. For everything." My dad told me, sniffling. "Once upon a time, your mom and I were just two scientists in love. When Avery came along, I suppose we went a little overboard and pushed her too hard to fit in. We didn't want that for you. I don't expect you to forgive us. But the least we can do is turn Isaac back to... the closest to human as possible. We know how much you love him." 

I paced the room for a few minutes while my parents anxiously waited for a response from me. It's a lot to process. Forgiving my parents is going to take a while and I think they know that too. It isn't like I'm going to run up to my mom to give her a hug and pretend everything is okay. None of this is okay. 

"What if I wanted to go... full-on werewolf? Is that possible?" I asked. 

My parents looked shocked. "Why would you want that?" They asked. 

"Didn't you say that you'd answer my questions?" 

They nodded at each other. "Yes it's possible, but you would need another werewolf to turn you."

Good to know. "If the cure doesn't work out for Isaac, I want to be a werewolf. I'm just so tired of feeling like we live in different worlds." I'll do whatever it takes to be with Isaac. 

Isaac's POV

"Well, that was my uncle Andrew. Hoped you liked him, Isaac." Scott told me in a sarcastic tone as he chomped down on a burger. 

I was a bit taken back by Emily's dad. Her parents let her live so freely in Beacon Hills, but when she's back at home... they're suddenly strict? I keep telling myself that nothing too bad is going on. 'Just family stuff', I guess. 

But something still didn't sit right with me. When I got to the front door, I had this weird connection with Emily and I could almost sense... fear and rage. "Hey Scott? Do you know what Emily meant when she said her dad was lying to her?" I asked. She always told me her family was a little weird, but I wonder what Scott has to say. 

"Not really. It could be about anything. And to be honest, my aunt and uncle have always been a bit dramatic. When my parents got divorced, they made it a huge deal and everything." Scott said. 

"From the sounds of... whatever you two heard, it sounds like Emily's got some daddy issues." Stiles chimed in, slurping up the rest of his soda. "But I dunno, I'll admit her parents are kinda strange. They're like, the werewolf Illuminati. One moment, they have no idea about the supernatural and now they suddenly know everything? Suspiscious if you ask me." He said with a shrug. 

"Did you forget that their first born daughter is literally a wolf? Of course they played dumb." I told him, rolling my eyes. "And can you quit it with the Illuminati conspiracy theories? Just because my phone is dead is not an excuse to force me to watch those weird YouTube videos on the ride here." 

Stiles put his hands up. "Hey, werewolves were once a conspiracy and well, well, well, look where we are! Just saying!" He said with smirk on his face. No argument against that, I suppose. 

A few moments later, Stiles's phone started to vibrate on the table. When he grabbed it, I saw that it was a text from Emily. 

"What does Emily have to say?" Scott and I asked. 

Stiles cleared his throat before speaking. "Hey, sorry about earlier. Things have calmed down a bit so you guys can come back over." He said in his best impression of Emily. 

Guess it's time to get back on the road again. "I call shotgun this time." I told Scott and Stiles.

Well, I suppose I'll finally get to meet Emily's parents for the first time. I'll admit that I'm kinda nervous. Not just because they're my girlfriend's parents, but they're also the people who are going to inject me with the cure. After hearing from Dr. Deaton that it didn't work for Avery has me on edge. 

I guess I'll just keep myself together and see what surprises Emily's parents have for us. 

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