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Journal entry

I'd rather be a fool with hope than a philosopher drenched in despair.

Wishes still come true.

Mina's POV

They started singing the birthday song  the minute I walked in. Even though Violet had given me a spoiler alert, I was still teary when I saw the balloons by the counter and a happy birthday sign on the wall. All the attention was making me extra happy but extra shy at the same time. I tried not to blush too much. Thank God only two customers were at the diner.

We all took pictures with those silly birthday hats. I feel like I'm five years again. Crazy that I love it. Next, I had to blow out the candles and make a wish. I think how my last birthday wish turned out is confirmation that wishes do come true. So, I made a wish and blew out my candles with gusto.

Matt handed me a birthday card and I opened it to see they had penned down lovely words about me. I read them with a smile on my face. Even Matt wrote something nice about me...awww. He'd be back to picking on me tomorrow, but I'd enjoy this sweetness for today.

"I'm framing this card" I told them, and we all laughed.

Around mid-day, I asked Eve if I could take the rest of the day off.

"Yes, I'm supposed to take her shopping" Violet chipped in.

I looked at her with surprise and she winked at me. I'm glad she's not mad at me anymore. It's true, pretty girls forgive easier.

"Well, I suppose I and Matt can handle things here. Go have fun, it's your birthday" Eve said as she walked back to the kitchen.

"Thanks for not being mad anymore" I spoke to Violet.

"It's okay." She shrugged. "I kinda understand why you kept it secret, I mean this town is a bee-hive for gossip. But you didn't have to keep it from me. It's not like I was going to judge you. I don't even like Olivia"

"They broke up weeks ago" I explained. It mattered to me Violet didn't see me as a side-piece.

"Oh thank goodness!" she exclaimed. I shook my head at how dramatic she was being.

"I was going to ask you about the whole situation, but now that you said it I'm at peace. I don't even feel bad that Luke dumped her. Seriously, she's such a bitch at school. She treats all the girls on the cheerleading squad like second-class citizens, it's pathetic. I wonder why he was even with her." She ended with a grimace and I chuckled.

"Anyways, enough talking about someone else. You're the focus today birthday girl. Go...go...go...go shorty, it's your birthday, we gonna party like it's your birthday.."

I laughed at her attempt to act hip-hop as she gestured with her arms and bopped her head. "That ain't no rock and roll baby. Please stop"

Unfazed by my comment, she posted with a hand on her hip. "Please, I know I got moves. And you're supposed to do a dance I can record and post on IG. You know how to twerk right?"

I gave her a deadpan look.

"Just pretend were at a party." She said.

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