A Rant For Today.

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This was like 2 weeks ago XP

Okay. I'm pretty upset as shuck right now because of this mean old teacher. She wouldn't even give my friend 2 more days to finish a assignment because as She Quote :"I Changed the Date several times." Pretty mad if I say it myself. Okay. So I Standed up for her. And everyone was glaring at me. I was pretty proud, because my good friend is very cowardly when standing up for herself. But she bawled her eyes out of the class and I felt like everyone, and by everyone, the popular kids laughing and felt bad.I mean messed up, but I still don't understand the older teachers these days. I'm literally writing this in her class right now because I just can't even. I'm extremely mad at the moment. Just I can't. I'm one d the nicest people in my class, but for me to stand up for people, that's what true friends do. But she bawled her eyes in front of the class.

Although homework is a piece of Klunk, Academics make you success in life and know the knowledge of Tommarow.

Please take the time and gimme your thoughts on this. Thank you all.

Could you guys relate? Please tell me. iKittyQueen <------ Could you guys vote on her book and follow her. This happened to her and I feel real bad. ;-;

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