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Early the next morning, Jessie and I sat outside on the front porch of Aerith's house in a pair of cushioned wooden chairs by the door. The splashing of the waterfall filled our ears while I worked with her on her exercises, doing what I could to help her get her strength and mobility back. I didn't have much experience with physical therapy, but Zangan had taught me a few things about muscles and training, so used what I knew to help Jessie with her recovery.

She seemed a bit stronger today, her movements not as sluggish or as strained as they'd been lately. Her attention did wander from time to time, though, and I had to remind her every now and then to focus on what we were doing. But I couldn't really blame her. Cloud was outside as well, training by himself over in the yard and working up a sweat as he expertly swung his sword through the air. Jessie sighed happily, her bright brown eyes finding him again.

"Over here, lovergirl," I teased gently, waving at her.

Jessie giggled. "Hmm? Oh, sorry, Tifa. Guess you caught me, huh? Cloud's just such a dream to look at..."

I knew he was. "Can't deny that. Try moving it again."

"You guys all set for tomorrow?" she asked as she slowly flexed her injured wrist. "It's the big day, after all."

"We're as ready as we'll ever be," I nodded.

As I'd thought we would, Barret, Lena, Red, and I had made it back here yesterday before Cloud and the others, and we'd all had quite a bit to talk about once they'd shown up. I shuddered as I thought about the underground test site they'd found with all those people floating inside the mako tubes. Shinra was involved in so many horrible things, and I wondered how we could ever stop them. Jessie had promised to get the data Lena had saved to Reeve to keep it safe.

That was a start, at least. But from what Cloud and Aerith had told us, Sephiroth was the greater threat. So tomorrow we were gonna leave Midgar and start after him. I'd miss my friends here, but at least I knew they were alright. The truck was ready, parked just down the road a bit from the house, and its fresh paint glistened in the daylight—deep red instead of the sky blue it had started out as. Barret, Red, and Biggs were out in town getting supplies, and Wedge and Lena were spending some time alone together, probably at her place.

Jessie kept working her arm, pushing herself like always. "Good to know. It'll be different when you're gone, though."

"I'll miss you, too," I smiled.

"You'll keep in touch, won't you?" she asked.

I nodded. "When we can. Like you said, Shinra watches the phone lines and cell towers, so it probably won't be often. Don't need to draw attention to ourselves and tell them where we are."

"Yeah, makes sense," Jessie agreed. She smirked. "Kinda defeats the purpose of sneaking around outside when ya hold up a big sign saying 'Here we are, Shinra! Come and find us!'"

"That'd definitely be something to see," I chuckled.

She joined me, her eyes dancing. They were a lot brighter now, the mako glow in them clear and unmistakable. Barret and the others had finally noticed it last night, gaping in surprise as she had showed them off to everyone and laughed. She seemed fine, and Aerith hadn't found anything wrong with her when she'd looked her over, but I still worried what might come of her change. And there was something else as well. It had been on my mind for a while now.

"Jessie..." I began, lowering my voice. "There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about."

She paused in her exercises. "What's on your mind?"

I sighed. "It's about Cloud..."

"You're worried about those attacks he's been having," she said. "So am I, Tifa. I've seen them, too."

Final Fantasy VII: Lifestream - Book 2: AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now