Chapter 26 - Family.

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Chapter 26 - Family.

3 Years Later.

"Come on Luca, blow out your candles and make a wish!" I say, watching Luca stare at the little candle flames.

"I wish-"

"Don't say it out loud remember. Or it won't come true." Dylan reminds him.

"Oh yeah!" He does his cute thinking face and then blows out his three candles. "I made a wish mummy."

"Good boy." I ruffle his hair and his his forehead. "Wanna tell mummy?"

He shakes him head. "Daddy say it won't come true."

"Yeah, see. Daddy knows best isn't that right mummy?" Dylan asks. I laugh and shake my head. I cut the cake and hand Luca some. Dylan pouts at me as I give Alana and Lacey some cake. "What about me, baby?"

"You have to wait." I stick my tongue out at him and serve other people cake. I then, jokingly, serve myself cake and take a bite out of it. He pouts. "I'm kidding. Let me feed you."

He smirks and I go to feed him cake but completely miss his mouth and smother it on his face. It was intended. I burst out laughing and while I'm laughing, I didn't realise him cut a slice of cake and smothers some on my face.

Well, payback is definitely a bitch!


"What? You started it. Hm, now I can definitely eat you." He stalks up to me, cake still on his face making him less intimidating, and secures his arms around me making it harder for me to escape. He smirks, and he leans down, licking my face. Eugh!

"Dylan stop that's disgusting." I whine.

"Oh come on baby, you don't mind other stuff."

"Ew, just.. Stop talking!"

"And carry on licking? Okay!" And again, he starts licking my face clean. Is he a cat or what?

"Ew! Daddy is eating mummy! Stop it daddy I wuv mummy!" Dylan pulls back, chuckling at our frantic looking son. He let's go of me from his hold and Luca runs up to me, hugging my legs.

He's a mummy's boy. Dylan says through the mind link, laughing away.

Hush up, just cos you're jealous. Of course, we were only joking. We knew Luca loved us both the same. He was as much of a daddy's boy as a mummy's boy.

He just loved being loved, and of course we love loving him. If that was to make any sense..

"Luca, go play with your cousins. Daddy and I need to go get cleaned up."

He let's go of my legs and looks up at Dylan. "Daddy, don't eat mummy. Or I will eat you!" He then runs off to go play with his cousins.

"He's so cute." I coo.

"He's going to be handsome and sexy too, just like his daddy."

"Did you just say your son is going to look.. Sexy?"

"No not in that way! I meant he would be taking after me.. Gee , Alexis!"

"I know, I was joking! I knew what you meant.. Now come on, let's go get cleaned off."


"No licking."

"You're no fun."

"Go suck a dick."

"You can suck mine."

"You can sleep on the couch."

"I can shut up."

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