Chapter 4: Road Trip

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Buck was walking on all fours as he sniffed the ground and a stone as the possum twins came over

"What are you doing, Buck?" Crash asked

"All rocks tell a tale" Buck replied as he licked the stone as he added

"Where we've been and where we're heading" as he threw the rock away

The two nodded as they also got on all fours and sniffed the ground

Eddie saw something that seemed to look like a rock, he was about to lick it when Buck came over

"That, however, is a turd" Buck pointed out as Eddie quickly rolled his tongue back into his mouth walked away

Peaches, Julian, Noa and Kai were walking along as Peaches was feeling sad

"Julian... I want you to know that if we don't make it, if we never get married, you were the only one for me" Peaches sighed sadly

"Hey, come on! Of course we'll make it and we will get married" Julian soothed

"But maybe it's the universe telling us we won't" Peaches replied sadly

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! You're going to let one tiny little 300 mile-wide asteroid ruin your plans?" Sid asked

"How can we think our future when we may not have one?" Peaches asked

"Hey, we're going to stop this thing and you'll get married. Bada-bing, bada-boom! Well, not boom. Forget I said boom" Sid chuckled as then gasped happily

"I know! I'll be your wedding planner! It'll take your mind off al this end-of-the-world stuff" Sid said

"Actually, we were just gonna wing it! Keep it low-key" Peaches chuckled

"What?" Sid gasped as he climbed onto Julian's tusk and looked at Peaches

"Peaches, Peaches. Sweetheart, you don't just wing the happiest day of your life! No, you seize it and you cherish it. You strangle it with good intentions" Sid said as he "strangled" Julian's hair as Julian groaned in pain, Sid jumped off Julian and stood in front of the couple

"Ooh, let's start with your hair" Sid said as he clapped his hand and Crash and Eddie came out with wigs

"Updo with a top bun? Traditional. Or updo with a fishtail braid. Flirtatious" Sid smiled as Eddie giggled

"But maybe a little trashy" Sid added as he pulled a fish skeleton out of the hair while Peaches and Julian cringed in disgust

"And garter belts!" Sid added as Crash and Eddie jumped and lied onto Peaches tusks

"Today, Ed is modeling laced daises. While Crash is rocking a more elegant ivy that's all about the calves. Ooh. We need a seating chart! The singles table, the kids table, the weird relatives table, the smelly table, two more smelly tables" Sid continued as everyone kept walking

Kai looked at Noa who was looking down

He quickly walked over to Sid who was still blabbering about being a wedding planner

"Sid?" Kai asked as Sid stopped and looked at him

"Ah! My dear cousin-in-law. What's up?" Sid asked

"Well, since you're so happy about being a wedding planner, do you know anything about proposing?" Kai asked

"Propo- what?! Haven't you proposed to her yet?!" Sid exclaimed as Kai shushed him

"Not so loud! She might hear you" Kai whispered

"Oh! Sorry" Sid whispered

"Anyway, I just don't know when it's the right timing or the right place. I don't know what ring I should give her, I don't even know if she'll say yes" Kai sighed sadly

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