Part Six

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Ochaco's Pov

Ochaco threw her pillow across her face and groaned. It had been almost two hours since she had gotten ready for bed and she still wasn't close to falling asleep. She turned on her side buried her face in her blankets. Every time she shut her eyes the images of the day flowed through her mind. 

"Why am I thinking about this?" She groaned. All he did was save me from that guy. She didn't know why it bothered her so much. Deep down she knew it wasn't like Bakugo to help others. Remembering how he walked with her to Recovery Girl made her face flush and she quickly fluttered her eyes open. 

"Bakugo was just being nice" she muttered. She scrunched her face knowing those two words did not belong together. Finally, after she could bear it no longer she popped out of bed and grabbed a jacket. Maybe some tea would help she thought to herself. Creeping down the stairs she tiptoed a few seconds before stopping. Listening closely she could hear footsteps and then a small clatter. Frightened she crept closer. She prepared herself in case someone had infiltrated the dorms. Or if it was a mouse. It was too late for one of her classmates to be up... right? They all went to bed before her or waited for curfew. The lights were turned off meaning she could see nothing but a few outlines of the couches and tables. She reached the wall and took a deep quiet breath. With a flick, she turned on the lights to the kitchen.

"SHIT!" She jumped in fright and almost tumbled into the wall. Bakugo stood holding a spatula and his left palm ready to fight. She gave a small gasp and held her heart.

"What the fuck pink cheeks you scared the hell outta me!" He slammed the spatula on a pan.

"I- you scared me!" She pouted and crossed her arms. Soon her focus was on a large pot and him furiously stirring. Her mouth watered seeing the big pot of ramen. 

"I didn't know you could cook." She leaned over to look at the soup. He glared at her and turned his attention to grabbing a bowl from the cabinets. He moved out of the way to make his bowl. She walked over to the counter and pulled out a bowl as well. 

"Pleaseeee?" she begged. He sighed and grumpily took the bowl from my hand and started to pour. Ochaco watched him like a cat. Not purposely but she had never seen food that looked so good.

"Can you give me some fucking space?"

"Sorry..." she mumbled and sat down at the counter. He placed the steaming hot meal in front of her. She took a long stiff. 

"Have you never seen food before?" He made a face. She made one back.

"I can't afford good meals like this. Except for school but it's never this good." His face dropped and he looked back at his food. She sniffed again. 

"Hey, your's smells different somehow." He looked up and gave a small frown. 

"I added something to mine. Focus on eating your's so you can leave me alone." She ignored his request and slid his bowl towards her. He sighed and gave her an eye roll. 

"Tell me if it tastes good." Taking a small bite she finally realized what he put in. Hot sauce. Her face turned bright red as she spit it into a napkin. Tears streamed down her face. 

"It's so hot" she gasped and wiped her tongue. He gave a small smirk and handed her a glass of water. She gulped it down and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"So does it taste good?" He gave a small laugh. She was about to yell but stopped. Ochaco had never seen him smile before. Her mouth stopped burning as she smiled too. Then she started to laugh along.

"It tastes alright!" She punched him lightly and handed him back his bowl. She took a bite and was imminently overcome with amazement. In a flash, she narfed down the entire bowl leaving nothing behind. 

"Mmmmm!" She chewed the last bite and hugged her stomach. Bakugo said nothing but finish his soup. She took her bowl to the sink and alongside Bakugo they cleaned their plates. An awkward silence took over and soon Ochaco couldn't stand it anymore. 

"You know..." she started while putting the dishes away.

"I'm sorry for judging you. I always assumed you were rude, sassy, and a bit of a show-off." Bakugo scowled and opened his mouth to reply. She put her finger to his lips.

"Butttt I misjudged. You can be sweet and nice even if you don't think so." His expression changed as she closed the cabinet and began to walk away. He grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"I guess I should apologize too..." he looked at the floor almost glaring at it.

"I kinda judged you for being an annoying bitch who didn't have a mind of your own. I guess you can fight even if you're always hanging around with that stupid nerd Deku." Ochaco beamed. This was the first time she heard nice words coming out of his mouth.

"Aww thank you I guess?" She waved a quick goodbye and left him to watch her walk away.

"You should try being nice more often" she joked.

"In your dreams pink cheeks," he shouted back playfully. Ochaco did nothing but smile and whisper a thank you for helping their relationship blossom.

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