Their Last Choice [3]

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Uploaded by: ClaudiaIsabeau

Chapter 3

Claudia's Point of View

I awoke with a jolt. My phone was vibrating from an incoming call on the desk to my left. I pulled a pillow over my face, hoping that the noise would shortly disappear and that I would go back and continue my very detailed, good dream of my very gorgeous new neighbour, Peyton.

The vibrations ceased after several minutes and I grinned, revelling in the new-found silence. I rolled over onto my side and pulled my knees up to my chest, and willed myself to drift back to sleep.

My eyes were closed, and the darkness that lay under my eyelids started to consume me. The quiet surroundings were pleasurable, and my body ached to be in anything but complete silence lately. Everything outside of my bedroom had been loud and overwhelming, and most days I just couldn't wait until I was home, in bed, wrapped up in a blanket and reading my favourite book of the week. The silence was endearing and I hoped that I would get at least a few more hours of it before I had to get up and endure, yet again, another day with idiotic belligerent people.

But, as usual, I didn't. The new-found silence disappeared all too quickly before I got a complete grasp on it.

My phone started to vibrate again; this time, ringing far longer than before. And, after it had stopped, knowing that the person trying to call would be leaving a very long and aggravatingly loud voice message, it started ringing, once again, only a few seconds later.

I groaned, flicking back my bed sheets and blanket. They flew right off the end of my bed, and I cursed quietly-my choice of words being very vulgar and not very lady-like-at having to now get up and fix them before my mother saw them on the floor, knowing she'd ground me for my apparent attitude and lack of respect to the items that I own.

As I rolled over to the other side of the bed, attempting to get up, my phone started to vibrate extremely loudly; the vibrations were so strong that the phone was now bouncing across my desk to the edge.

I watched, transfixed, at its movement, and in a split-second, watched it tumble over the edge of the desk. I jumped out of bed and launched myself at the now falling phone, catching it swiftly in my right hand, and hit the rather firm floor in between my bed and the desk.

I looked at the screen, Five missed calls, and all from the same person; that person being the one that I dreaded phone calls from.

Chase Andrews.

My phone started to ring in my hand, and I quickly pressed accept and answered it.

'Hi,' I said with a sliver of harshness.

'Why didn't you pick up when I called you earlier? Jesus, Claudia. Pick up your damn phone when I call,' Chase said, his voice deep and husky due to the excessive use of cigarettes.

I rolled my eyes at his request, and placed the phone between my right ear and shoulder as I got up off the floor to my feet. 'You're calling at-' I looked over at the clock on the wall to the right-'three in the morning for what? Cigarettes? Sex? Your usual fix of blonde, air-headed, slutty-'

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