Chapter One

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Jada Facer as Abby Grady

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Jada Facer as Abby Grady

Abby stands outside on the porch of hers and her brother's hut "Owen, hurry up!" she calls out

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Abby stands outside on the porch of hers and her brother's hut "Owen, hurry up!" she calls out. "Alright, I'm coming." Owen responds walking out the hut. Abby smiles and puts her hands on her hips "Come on, I need to see my babies." she tells him. "Yeah, okay Mama." Owen responds climbing on the bike, Abby smiles and climbs on the back of the bike. Owen drives them to the raptor enclosure and jumps off the bike before letting Abby get off, Abby runs over to Barry and jumps on his back "Hey Mama." he smiles. "Hey Barry, how are my babies?" Abby asks jumping down. "Hungry." Barry tells her. "They always are." she responds as they walk over to the raptors. The three of them enter the viewing paddock and over to where the raptors are muzzled "Hey babies." Abby smiles giving each of the a stroke and kiss on the nose. She reaches Blue last "Hey girl, you been keeping your sisters in check?" she asks. Blue chuffs in response with a small playful growl "Good girl, let's get you four fed and trained for the day." Abby smiles before following Owen up to the rafters.

The four raptors speed through their enclosure following a pig before stopping as the pig runs through a hatch in the wall "HOLD!" Owen tells them. They obediently pull to a halt below the brother sister duo "Hey!" Owen exclaims holding his hand up "Okay!" he adds as he presses on his clicker. "Eyes on me! Blue? Blue! Watch it. Charlie. Hey! Don't give me that shit! Delta! Lock it up! Good! And we're moving." Owen tells them as he and Abby move to where a basket hangs on the railing. "HOLD! That's good. That is damn good. Very good! See, Charlie, that's what you get! Echo, there you go! Delta! Blue? This one's for you." Abby says throwing food to them. "HOLD! Eyes up! Go." Owen tells them letting the raptors run off together. Barry walks over to them and clasps hands with Owen "You finally did it, man." he smiles. "Hey, it's not his fault it took him this long. I mean it's not like his younger sister can go in the enclosure or anything." Abby grins. Owen and Barry chuckle as they walk toward where Hoskins is stood "Owen. I was starting to think I hired the wrong guys, but, damn, you got them eating out of your palm." Hoskins compliments. "You came on a good day. It's not usually a happy ending." Owen responds. "Is that why you're not sending in your reports?" Hoskins asks. "We've been busy." Abby tells him. "Not too busy to cash your paychecks." Hoskins retorts making Abby clench her fists.

"What do you need, buddy?" Owen asks. "A field test. Hey. I've just seen they can respond to commands. We need to take the research and get it on its feet." Hoskins tells them. "No." Abby shakes her head. "These are wild animals, Hoskins. Trust me, you DON'T want them in the field." Owen backs his sister up. "I just saw a bond. A real bond. Between man and beast." Hoskins says standing in the sibling's way. "You're in our way." Abby tells him. "Come on. We're the same. We're dogs of war. We know that the military needs to reduce casualties. Some people think that robots are the future. Look, nature gave us the most effective killing machines 75 million years ago. And now we know they can take orders." Hoskins tells Owen, ignoring Abby. "We finally make progress and that's the first thing he says? Make a weapon?" Barry asks making Abby nod. "Shit. Come on, gents. It's grown-up time. Drones can't search tunnels and caves. And they're hackable. The minute a real war breaks out, all that fancy tech is gonna go dark." Hoskins tells them. "But that tech's not gonna eat them if they forget to feed it." Abby retorts. "Look at these creatures. They've got millions of years of instinct in their cells, instinct that we can program. Their loyalty cannot be bought. These guys are gonna run straight into the enemy's teeth and eat them, belt buckle and all." Hoskins continues. "Then what if they decide they wanna be in control?" Owen asks. "Well, then we remind them who is. We terminate the rogues. Promote only loyal bloodlines." Hoskins says crossing his arms.

Owen and Abby start laughing "What? What's so funny?" Hoskins asks. "I don't know. You come here and you don't learn anything about these animals except what you want to know. You made them, and now you think you own them." Abby tells him. "Oh, but we do own them. Extinct animals have no rights." Hoskins retorts. "They're not extinct anymore, Hoskins." Owen tells him motioning to the raptors. "Exactly. We're sitting on a goldmine and Masrani is using it to stock a petting zoo. He just wants to teach people some humility. He doesn't make weapons. You think that the eighth richest man in the world is only into oil, telecom, and family fun parks? He's so diversified, he doesn't even know what he owns." Hoskins responds. "How long has InGen been practicing this pitch?" Owen asks. "Since the day we hired you out of the Navy. You knew the end game. These animals can replace thousands of boots on the ground. How many lives would that save? War is part of nature. Look around, Owen. Every living thing in this jungle is trying to murder the other. Mother Nature's way of testing her creations. Refining the pecking order. War is a struggle. Struggle breeds greatness. Without that, we end up with places like this, charge seven bucks a soda." Hoskins tells him. Abby rolls her eyes "Do you even hear yourself when you talk?" she asks. "This is gonna happen. With or without you. Progress always wins." Hoskins answers. "Maybe progress should lose for once." Owen tells him.

All of a sudden a commotion kicks up "Pig loose! Pig loose!" the new guy, Leon, shouts before falling into the raptors' paddock. Blue, Charlie, and Delta move over as Abby jumps up and over the gate, Owen opening the gate and running in to save Leon "Owen, NO!" Barry shouts. Two rangers aim their weapons at the raptors "Oh no, no, hold your fire!" Abby orders them as she approaches three of the four raptors. "Hold your fire, do not fire! Put 12 amps in these animals, they're never gonna trust us again." Owen tells them. Barry pulls Leon out of the paddock "Blue, stand down. Stand down." Owen tells the raptor. Blue snaps at him making Abby frown "Hey, hey! What did he just say? Delta, I see you. Back up." she tells the two of them. "Okay, good. Good. Charlie? Stay right there. Good." Owen says before turning to Barry "Close the gate." he tells him. "Are you crazy?!" Barry asks. "Just trust me. Close the gate!" Owen repeats before backing up slowly and diving under at the last minute. Abby rolls her eyes and turns to the raptors, Hoskins watching her closely "Hey girls, did that man invaded your territory?" she asks. Blue moves closer and rubs her head on Abby's arm, smiling Abby strokes Blue softly "Alright you four, Mama has to go now but I'll see you later." she promises. The four raptors chuff at her before running off together, Abby smiles and walks over to the gate where Owen lets her in "You're the new guy, right?" Owen asks Leon. "Yeah." Leon nods. "You ever wonder why there was a job opening?" Abby asks him. Leon looks at her in shock a she and Owen walk away "Wow that was amazing." Hoskins tells Abby. "Yeah, no one else can get them to act like that so I'd stop trying to get my babies as weapons." she efforts with a glare.

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