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Suddenly, fire envelops the walls. Startled, I look towards Kait only to see her look away. The fire didn't burn the wall, almost as though it was immune to it.

"Kait?" I ask, terrified of what I might've just walked into. As soon as I say it, an army of men comes to light. Faceless, shapeless creatures that seemed to be propelled by air. All of them were wearing black robes.

I started backing away, away from the fire, away from the men and away from Kait, but it was to no avail. There was nowhere I could go. The door through which we had entered was practically invisible.

"STOP!" I yell as they reach halfway across the room.

Surprisingly, they stop. They stop and drop to their knees as if injured by my voice. No, not hurt; they were bowing. All on their knees.

Kait before them and half bows, "I'm sorry, V." are the words I hear before I black out.

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