Chapter 4

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A distant murmur woke me up. I felt like I was in heaven. The warmest quilt covered my body, and the softest sheet rubbed against my face. I think of which day of the week it is because I've never felt this rested. Why isn't anyone waking me up? Deciding to take advantage of the moment, I keep my eyes closed, pretending to sleep.

The voices came closer. One was as soft as drizzling rain, a voice I had never heard before. Even just listening to her voice made me feel calmer. Who was this? It was a feminine voice with airy qualities and a very sophisticated feel. The other voice belonged to Kait.

Kait's voice reached before the airy one, "-mature enough" The reply was lost on me, but they came closer, and I could hear the beautiful voice again.

"-disagree," the voice said. "the times have changed, and unfortunately, we will have to move with time. When the rule was made, it was much calmer; people were easier to deal with. Now, the thoughts have changed, people have changed. We don't have a choice."

"I just think it's too soon-"

"It's not your place," the voice replies-her tone is stern and coated with steel. The calming nature of her voice left as she said those words, and I wondered how. "She's awake", the voice continued.

Knowing I had been busted, I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. I was in a room that could only be described as tranquil. The bed I was sleeping on wasn't my own. The floor was white marble, and in the humongous room lay the bed on which I was sitting. A blue net draped the side of the king-sized bed, and I lay draped within pale blue sheets. There was a window at the side of my bed where I could see a stream flowing outside. The water movement broke me out of my trance and reminded me I was in a real place.

The previous events came back to me, and I started hyperventilating. Where am I? This isn't my room. Where is everyone else?

"She's panicking," the dainty voice spoke. I looked to the right and saw where she was. A little person, tall enough to reach my shoulder, stood next to Kait. Draped in a white dress, she seemed to blend in with her surroundings. Her skin was spotless, and he had a healthy glow from sun exposure. Black hair cascaded down her back and fell over her shoulder. The contrast between her skin, hair and dress was almost too much for my eyes. They did go beautifully together, but the beauty seemed artificial.

"Do something," she said, speaking to Kait. This draws my attention back to her face. She had a small face with angled eyebrows and a petite nose. Her face reminded me of someone I knew, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Ms. Violet," Kait begins, and I instantly know something is wrong. She doesn't address me as that unless she is with my mother or father. Is this person someone who holds authority over her? "I know you're wondering where you are, but all can be explained." I clutch my sheets tighter. I didn't understand what was going on.

"Where are we?" I ask in a scratchy voice, aiming my question towards Kait.

"Luminoua," replies Kait, her eyes becoming glassy.

"Huh?" I reply, confusion quite evident in my voice.

Kait settles down next to me on the bed and grabs onto both of my hands. She pulls them close to herself and says, "Do you remember all our mythological lessons? They all stemmed from this place. What you read is true to some extent. It is the reality of this place we're in. We belong here, V. This is where we're from."

I pull my hands out of her grip and move away, "you're joking. What do you mean mythology is real?"

"It was only presented as mythology because your world didn't abide by the same laws as this one. We wanted you to have a normal upbringing because of a prophecy we weren't allowed to teach you of this place directly."

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