Chapter 39

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Yesterday with Karson was like a breath of fresh air. He truly didn't know how much I needed that day. With everything going on, I needed just one day to let go. One day to let go and not be in reality.

Yesterday also didn't help the feelings I had for him. If anything, it made the flutter in my stomach intensify by so much more. As much as I hated to admit it, my feelings grew even more when he took me out for ice cream. A date.

I lightly shook my head as a small smile tugged at my lips when I walked into the familiar coffee shop. Yesterday, I tried calling Nora after the date with Karson to give her details about everything that's happened in the past few days, but when she answered, she didn't even let me get any words out. Before I could talk, she bluntly said she was busy and hung up the phone.

I didn't bother texting or calling her the rest of the day. As much as I loved my best friend, sometimes I felt I was only her best friend when it was only convenient for her. She's always been my best friend, but I don't think the feelings were mutual.

I huffed, trying to forget about Nora as the strong smell of coffee hit me all at once. I happily inhaled the bitter smell as a genuine smile tugged at my lips. Oh how I missed this place.

I inched towards the back as I let my eyes wander throughout the coffee shop. I spotted a few regulars that came here very frequently, while the others just sat silently in their own little world as they sipped their coffee.

I trudged towards the furthest end of the shop, placing my hands on a metal door as it quickly swung open. I stepped into the kitchen, noticing the flour stained countertops as I made my way to Stan who was hunched over as he used all his body weight to push down on the dough.

"Stan," I mumbled, my voice small as I put all my weight onto one foot. I watched his body visibly stiffen when he stopped what he was doing and narrowed his eyes at me. I was taken aback as I tried to fight the amusement that was written all over my face.

"What did I say?" He bluntly asked as his eyes flickered to my injured palm. Technically, it was almost completely healed, only a few stubborn stitches that didn't want to dissolve were left. I let out a nervous chuckle as I swiftly moved my hand so it was hidden behind my back.

"Oh, come on, Stan!" I whined as he rolled his eyes and began to knead the dough once more. "It's practically healed and I really need the money."

I heard him mumble a few incoherent words under his breath as his eyes shot up to meet mine. "If you so much as even get a paper cut, you're going home."

I breathed a sigh of relief as I gave him the biggest smile I could muster up. "Yes! Thank you Stan, I won't let you down!"

He grunted, rolling his eyes, but I was still able to see the amusement dancing across his face. "Go take orders before I change my mind."

I lightly chuckled as I turned on my heel and walked towards the metal door. It quickly swung open as I fiercely walked out of the kitchen and towards the front counter. One of my coworkers was in the middle of taking orders, so I stood by her and started to reorganize the pastries in the glass cases.

A permanent smile stained my lips as I thought about finally being able to come back to work. I loved Stan and every person that stepped foot into this coffee shop. This really was my second home and I was so grateful that I found Stan when I did. He's helped me in so many more ways than I could imagine.

I really couldn't have asked for a better boss.


"Come on, Jace!" I heard Olivia's small voice pout as I stepped into my house. I sighed, gently rubbing my hand down my face, trying to shake away the exhaustion after working a long shift. I was so tired, but I was so glad I got to catch up with Stan and work.

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